View Full Version : CMS main site should be the entry page

01-30-2010, 03:45 PM
I have vbulleting suite (Forum and CMS) 4.0.1. installed and like to have the CMS main page as the entry page for my site.
Currently www.mymarketingforum.ch/forum is required to get to the page but the forum page will open instead of the CMS main page. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

02-01-2010, 03:02 PM
Go to Content Management in your AdminCP and check the settings

02-07-2010, 11:29 AM
Thanks Cmangum
That helped.

Still not solved is the fact that I must type mymarketingforum.ch/forum to reach the site instead of only mymarketingforum.ch. That happen because I uploaded all the files on my webserver into mymarketingforum.ch/forum. But when I tried to upload all the files directly into mymarketingforum.ch the site wasn't reachable..... so I uploaded all again like before

Would be nice if someone can help me here, thanks

02-08-2010, 12:00 AM
Thanks Cmangum
That helped.

Still not solved is the fact that I must type mymarketingforum.ch/forum to reach the site instead of only mymarketingforum.ch. That happen because I uploaded all the files on my webserver into mymarketingforum.ch/forum. But when I tried to upload all the files directly into mymarketingforum.ch the site wasn't reachable..... so I uploaded all again like before

Would be nice if someone can help me here, thanks


I had this sort of issue, as in the past I had vbull sitting on mydomain.com/forums and in order to keep everything the same (I was really worried about inbound links) I installed 4.0.1 onto mydomain.com/forums which means the forum sits on mydomain.com/forums/forum and the front CMS on mydomain.com/forums.

You can put a redirect straight into .htaccess which means everyone landing on the site automatically is at mydomain.com/forums/ However, because I have lots of subdomains it did all sorts so I just put in an index.html on the root with a repoint in html to the forums front page (marginally slower but does the job).

In fact do just this, set up index.html on your root (ie yourdomain.com/index.html) and have this and only this code in it

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://www.yourdomain.com/forums/index.php">

(It redirects the browser to where the forum index.php sits)

Hope this helps.... nb: see whats in an old index.html first though, in theory you shouldn't need one with the publisher package as the index page is the index.php file in 4.0.1

02-09-2010, 05:43 AM
Hi Veneti
Tried your recommandations but didn't work....

02-11-2010, 08:20 PM
Hi Veneti
Tried your recommandations but didn't work....

I just tried your site and landed on the forum... using the method I mentioned it would also be possible to land directly on the forum itself and not the front of the CMS.

Anyway, looks like you are set...

02-12-2010, 05:21 AM
Yes but the way I did was little different:
First I tried your method but then I uploaded all the files directly into the domaine, no extra foulder like forum or something else. Then I had to make sure that the appendix /forum was also deleted from the data file. Now it works, thanks for your help anyway:up::)!