View Full Version : Code Help

01-27-2010, 06:04 PM
On the v3.8.4 board i had, i had the mod to show an xbox live gamer card in your postbit_legacy

I am a novice at vbulletin never mind any type of coding, But i need some help this mod to work for v4.0.0 and above

So far i have :

<vb:if condition="$post['field6']"><img src="http://gamercard.xbox.com/{vb:raw post.field6}.card" align="right" width="184" height="140"/></vb:if>

I get the box to appear but it shows no image, when i view the properties on the small red x, i get :


How would i go about fixing this to actually show my and other members gamer cards ?

Many thanks in advance

01-27-2010, 06:53 PM
You've told us what the image source is showing, but didn't tell us what is *should* be showing. I mean, what is wrong with that link (It is a valid link for me)?

01-27-2010, 07:37 PM
The actual code is took from this mod >>>https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=219102

I have added the option of each user to enter their xbl gamer tag in the user profile

It is supposed to show each users xbl gamer tag in the postbit_legacy

At the moment i have http://www.nextgenerationgamers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?1427-Show-your-mood-!!!&p=10568#post10568

As you will see in my postbit on NGG betts02, It is not showing the xbl gamer card

As you say the link actually works and shows it if you put it in your browser but it will not on my forum

01-27-2010, 08:13 PM
Just taking a quick look at the mod, I notice they use an iframe and you are not. Perhaps that is your problem.

01-27-2010, 09:34 PM
Perfect, I had to change some code again and managed to get it working

If i may ask, how would i go about changing the width of the postbit_legacy as the card image just goes over in to the posts area if you see at >>>http://www.nextgenerationgamers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?1428-rKr-Halo-match&p=10571#post10571

Also i have edited some other coders work by a simple edit here and there, can i post them up for all to use ? Just to let other know what i have got working from the v3.xx mods on to the v4.xx version ?

Many thanks again

01-28-2010, 04:30 AM
I believe the width is just controlled by a stylevar. So, look through those.

You may not repost code from a mod without permission from the developer.