View Full Version : Profile Enhancements - Hypster.com Mp3 Player for Member profile

01-24-2010, 10:00 PM
Remember to press install and rate.

So this mod was inspired by TimberFloorAu (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=201791) Play list mod but, based on stangger5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=100434) code.

Since the playlist.com method no longer works and mixpod is only video's, i'd thought i'd re-write this mod to work with Hypster.com playlist.

I take no credit on the original mod and base work, all i did was update and a little re-write to work with hypster.

If you use this please click install.

Ok enough oh the jibber jabber and get into it.

I have redone this mod on vb3.8.4 and have not tested on any other versions.
__________________________________________________ ___

First create 4 profile fields.
---First one is for your Hypster id
example: http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=1712184:1697073:0
so the ID is "1712184:1697073:0"
---Second one is for Hypster Shuffle
Default off
---Third is for Hypster Autoplay
Turn auto play on or off
--- forth Hypster Color
Pick your player color, default is gray.

__________________________________________________ ______________________
admin >> User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field

1)Single-Line Text Box
Title: Hypster Id
Description: Go to embed player, and look for line http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=1712184:1697073:0.
You just want "1712184:1697073:0"

Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

*** Remember the Field number..
Lets say the field number is 20 you will need to change the
a in $userinfo[fielda] to 20 like this to $userinfo[field20]
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Create another Profile Field,,

2)Single Selection Menu
Title: Hypster Shuffle
Description: Turn shuffle on and off.

Options: ( remember a new line for each of these options )

Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

*** Remember the Field number..
Lets say the field number is 21 you will need to change the
a in $userinfo[fieldb] to 21 like this to $userinfo[field21]
__________________________________________________ ______________________

Create another Profile Field,,

3)Single Selection Menu
Title: Hypster Autoplay
Description: Turn auto play on and off.

Options: ( remember a new line for each of these options )

Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

*** Remember the Field number..
Lets say the field number is 22 you will need to change the
a in $userinfo[fieldb] to 22 like this to $userinfo[field22]
__________________________________________________ ______________________

Create another Profile Field,,

4)Single Selection Menu
Title: Hypster Color
Description: Select the color you want

Options: ( remember a new line for each of these options )

Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

*** Remember the Field number..
Lets say the field number is 23 you will need to change the
a in $userinfo[fieldb] to 23 like this to $userinfo[field23]

__________________________________________________ ______________________

Import the plugin..

admin >> Plugins & Products >> [Add/Import Product] and import
playlist-member-profile.xml file.

__________________________________________________ ______________________

Edit five templates.

1)admincp >> Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >>

Find two $userinfo[fieldA] & $userinfo[fieldB] and change them to the Playlist ID field number..

Find one $userinfo[fieldC] and change the C to the shuffle field number..

Find one $userinfo[fieldD] and change the D to the Auto Play feild number

Fine one $userinfo[fieldE] and change the E to the Color feild number

Mine is, 17 17 18 19 20

What it should look like:
<div align="center">
<!-- Hypster Playlist -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[field17]">
<div id="playlist" class="tborder content_block">
<h4 class="thead block_title">
<a href="#top" class="collapse_gadget" onclick="return toggle_collapse('playlist')"><img id="collapseimg_playlist" src="images/buttons/collapse_generic.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<a name="albums"></a>
<span class="block_name">Hypster Playlist</span>
<div class="block_content" id="collapseobj_playlist" style="">

<div class="alt2 block_row block_footer">
<embed quality="high" style="width:400px;visibility:visible; height:300px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="300" width="400" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" border="0" src="http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=$userinfo[field17]$userinfo[field20]&autoplay=$userinfo[field18]&color_scheme=$userinfo[field19]" />

<!-- / Hypster playlist -->

2)Edit: Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >> MEMBERINFO

Look for,,


Put $blocks[playlist] anywhere in there..
I have mine after $blocks[friends_mini]..
Like this,,


__________________________________________________ ______________________

Go to www.hypster.com and log into your account.
Get the embed code, and look for a line called http://www.hypster.com/flash/newplayer.swf?id=1712184:1697073:0. You just want "1712184:1697073:0"

To edit your Playlist fields..
USERCP >> Edit Your Details >>
__________________________________________________ ______________________
I did a rewrite of this mod since all the others are dead, outdated and just don't work.

I found hypster and adapted the code to it, i will be doing a update for the custom player colors just not at this moment.

I have to give credit to the originally coder of this, i used the older version till the site's updated.

Thanks for a easy base to work off of.

I take no credit for the original mod, just the update to make it work with hypster.

__________________________________________________ ____

===Original credits===


This code has been adapted from stannger5 YouTube Code, please give credit where credit is due to Stangger5


His code is awesome, all I have done is reconfigure for others to enjoy.


Brought to you by British Expats Australia, www.yobromofo.com/forum.

To Contact myself or Stangger5 or yobro

Luggz > https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=241870
Timberfloorau > https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=252664
Stangger5 > https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=100434
Hope this helps someone, luggz.

01-25-2010, 03:27 PM
Little update, added the ability for users to turn this mod on or off.

admin >> User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field

1)Single Selection Menu
Title: Hypster On/Off mod
Description: Turn this mod on and off.

Options: ( remember a new line for each of these options )
300 (make this the width of the player)

Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO

Then Save..

*** Remember the Field number..
Lets say the field number is 21 you will need to change the
a in $userinfo[fieldb] to 21 like this to $userinfo[field21]


Edit one templates.

1)admincp >> Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >>

Find line <embed quality="high" style="width:400px;visibility:viable; height:300;"

And replace with

<embed quality="high" style="width:400px;visibility:viable; height:$userinfo[field21];"

Thats it your done, now your users can disabled the mod if they don't like it.

Its a ghetto mod but it works.

02-10-2010, 01:05 AM
Hi luggz,

Thanks for the work man.

I was only seeing the MP3 player when logged on as my own ID.

Using $userinfo instead of bbuserinfo in the memberinfo_block_playlist took care of it.

<div align="center">
<!-- Hypster Playlist -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[field17]">


Anne Bonny
01-08-2011, 03:45 AM
When I try to import the product, I get an error saying

XML Error: XML declaration not finished at Line 1

I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong since I'm poor at these things. Any suggestions?