View Full Version : How to change the setting: 50charactors per line ??

07-23-2001, 05:39 AM
I want to change the setting that which will auto brak line when the line is over 50 charactors..

Can teach me how to change it please??


08-01-2001, 02:47 PM
Is this possible?

Freddie Bingham
08-01-2001, 03:08 PM
Anything is possible but it helps if you put your license information into your profile.

08-01-2001, 03:18 PM
OK..I do it later.

But now I find it.
Is the wrapping option.

Freddie Bingham
08-01-2001, 03:18 PM
I trust you will. ;)

08-01-2001, 04:28 PM
I have done this multiple times, and additionally I have dealt with many troubling emails and remarks and comments about this ...

A simple glance at my IP (which is "usually" static) will show you the other names I am (was) registered under and some of you may then remember that I have not only my own legal and registered version but I co-author/develop for other sites/forums that also have them as recently purchased as only weeks ago, does anyone keep detailed records? I only changed nicks for 2 reasons, 1) I have WAY too many email adresses for my own good but is unavoidable due to my line of work and 2) because you require to know which email AND user name without any hint or help if we cant remember which email addy was used.

You'll also find a slew of emails from that same IP (since we have our own pipe and run our own servers) with urls to warezed copies of the script which never seem to be replied too. If I am continuing to pay for a product I would expect and hope all is being done that can be to help me protect my investment like to stop warezed copies from being distro'ed. Yet I still see sites show downloads for them over and over and nothing is ever done about them.

This is a sore spot with many and is rather unfair. Maybe a little effort could be put into taking volunteers to hunt down the offenders and make a joint / group effort out of stopping this instead of making paying members feel all the pressure. Instead of making a constant issue to the same people (like myself) over and over there is always the thought of putting a "Paying members forum" behind closed doors or even something as simple as not allowing NON-PAYING-MEMBERS to POST or SEARCH.
At the very least they will have to work EXTREMELY hard to get any help as it is often times already is Extrememly hard having the ability to do all this and doing everything that is asked of you only to be met with more stabbing comments.

Maybe a little effort from the Mod's here to look before they leap would be nice. It's pretty sad when there is 4 post on a legit topic and all 4 of them are from the same person over a few months period time with the last 3 posts being the equiv of "BUMP"!

Now, of course you may not have meant me, which I vented for no reason but when I have been messaged about this by several different people I would have thought that after awhile the forum police would start sharing the donuts amoung themself and stop beating the local law abiding netizens. I will step down from the soapbox now and I appologize for the long and possibly unprovoked speach. But there is a large group of users here that have all expressed similiar concerns and/or beefs and I dont understand the backwardness thinking.

If no one can figure this out I can just as easily go back to another user name with all the info needed, but as being a female on the internet I have a serious problem with leaving any trail of personal info behind which is why I prefer this one. Maybe it's something you don't / counldn't understand but if it has ever happened to you there is no second thoughts about it. You just don't do it, period!