View Full Version : Decreasing spam significantly - just needs a small adjustment

01-24-2010, 12:04 AM
Everyday I have to look through about 500 posts and weed out the genuine ones. If it's one thing I've learn it's that about 99.9% of spam posts appear to feature a link of some form.

As a result I install this plugin:https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=188141 which is great, but for this to really make an impact I need to edit it to tell users that unless you have a particular number of posts you can't post links. I don't know how to make the change which is why I am here.

01-24-2010, 09:56 PM
I'm guessing the phrase manager is used to show that message, although I haven't checked it out, but the 'phrases 1' does point in that direction. Assuming it is a phrase; go to your admin control panel, to language and phrases, search in phrases. Now copy paste the 'guests can't use links' etc line and search it. If you get a hit make sure it's the correct one, and now use 'find and replace' to switch that line to something like 'Sorry, you can't post links until you have at least x posts' or something alike. Now save and you're all done.

01-25-2010, 12:57 AM
I'm guessing the phrase manager is used to show that message, although I haven't checked it out, but the 'phrases 1' does point in that direction. Assuming it is a phrase; go to your admin control panel, to language and phrases, search in phrases. Now copy paste the 'guests can't use links' etc line and search it. If you get a hit make sure it's the correct one, and now use 'find and replace' to switch that line to something like 'Sorry, you can't post links until you have at least x posts' or something alike. Now save and you're all done.

I'm a little confused by the direction you're coming from.

The given mod bsaically stops and displays it when a guest wants to post a link. My intention is to apply this to the registered users who only have X number of posts.

From your reply, you are only changing the message which will appear to GUESTS. There isn't much point as guests don't have a post count any way.

My request here is to get some help in getting this applied for registered users. It will most likely require some simple code.

01-25-2010, 07:45 AM
but for this to really make an impact I need to edit it to tell users that unless you have a particular number of posts you can't post links. I don't know how to make the change which is why I am here.
I thought you meant that you wanted to tell it to users, not to let the mod work wit users as well. (thought you already managed to do that) Sorry for that.

You should ask the mod maker, he'll know best. Personally, I use a mod that when a user has less than x posts (you can decide the number) all posts with links or images (again, you can add more or choose only links for example) are automatically moderated posts first after which you can add them. Spam bots don't usually make more than about 10 posts, so after that it's free for users, in my opinion. I use this in combination with a mod that let's me instantly delete all posts, topics and ban the IP and username (everything is optional) with one click, so I can delete spam very fast as well. It works very well on my board, I don't get any spam at all anymore.

If you're interested, I could tell you which mods they are, otherwise, I'd ask the maker of the mod how to change this.

Good luck.

02-02-2010, 12:52 AM
I'd be keen to know what mods they are.

I have posted on the mod thread but no-one seems to be able to help which is why i thought I'd try here.

02-18-2010, 06:17 PM
Bump - what are the mods you use?

02-22-2010, 03:52 PM
I'd be keen to know what mods they are.

I have posted on the mod thread but no-one seems to be able to help which is why i thought I'd try here.Sorry, didn't check for a while.

Stop spam (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=131568&highlight=prevent+spam) and One touch ban and Cleanup (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=156444)

The last one only seems to work with vBulletin 3.x right now, though... the first one works fine on vBulletin 4 as well.