View Full Version : Tag Cloud sidebar widget not showing?

01-21-2010, 11:01 PM
On vb4.0 you can enable the tag cloud as a sidebar on the forum.

Admincp--> Forums & Moderators --> Forum Blocks Manager

Add Block --> Tags

I also went into Tagging under AdminCP and I have about 15-20 tags already.

I then went into Admincp --> VBOptions and selected Tagging Options, and made sure the system was enabled.

Nothing, notta.


01-21-2010, 11:03 PM
Did you turn on the blocks?
vboptions > forum sidebar > set those to what you want

01-21-2010, 11:15 PM
Did you turn on the blocks?
vboptions > forum sidebar > set those to what you want

Yea, I've got a youtube search widget, Recent Blog Entries, Recent Article's, and then the tag cloud box, but it's empty.

01-22-2010, 01:47 AM
What do you have set for vboptions > tagging > tag could:build usergroup? And enable search tag cloud? and search tag cloud: history?

01-22-2010, 03:17 AM
What do you have set for vboptions > tagging > tag could:build usergroup? And enable search tag cloud? and search tag cloud: history?

Enable Thread Tagging: YES

Build Usergroup: No permission check.

Even set the cache time to 0, so it refreshes every view.



--------------- Added 1264138093 at 1264138093 ---------------

FYI, you can go to the Blog portion of the forum, and the tag cloud there works just fine..so maybe it's the built in widget thats not working correctly?

Well, I disabled the cache time for the widget to 0, which is seperate from the tagging options..and I got 1 tag, lol. Which was one I just entered in the forum to test it.

Odd how the one in the blog, and the one on the forum side are different, I'd think they would be equal??

01-22-2010, 02:40 PM
What is the history set to? And if you change the cache to 10, do you get more then? And what if you change the Tag Cloud Type (between By Usage and By Search)?

01-25-2010, 02:15 PM
What is the history set to? And if you change the cache to 10, do you get more then? And what if you change the Tag Cloud Type (between By Usage and By Search)?

It was a cacheing problem, BUT it's still not working the way I had hoped.

The tag cloud for the forum seems to be seperate from the tag cloud in the blog.

The blogging cloud is heavily populated, but the forum cloud won't carry over those tags, it only adds what I add after it was created?


01-25-2010, 02:23 PM
Like I said, play with the settings in there and see if you can get it how you want.

01-25-2010, 02:28 PM
Like I said, play with the settings in there and see if you can get it how you want.

I have...no such luck.

You'd think they would both pull from the same DB, or wherever they were getting the information, so they would show the same results.

01-25-2010, 03:00 PM
I would post about this on vb.com and see if someone knows the answer. I haven't played with it much, so I'm not really sure.