View Full Version : Picture up-load bigger

New Joe
01-21-2010, 08:19 AM
When you post on a Thread you have the option to up load an image from your computer.
The only thing is that the image is kind of small.

Is there anyway in the permissions to make it so the picture up loads bigger to the post?
Yes, I do know if you click on the picture on the post it will open a new window showing it bigger but I'd like the picture to be actually bigger on the post.

01-21-2010, 09:02 AM
In your vboptions menu, find Message Attachment Options.

Maximum width and height that the thumbnail can have. The image will be proportionately resized so that the longest side is no larger than this setting. If you change this setting, you will need to go to Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails.