View Full Version : [pre-release Auto IP/OS/IE Parse Hack]

07-21-2001, 10:00 PM
Use this hack ,a logined user can see the system info of his own on the board.
Just like this:
Your IP??ipaddress Location??address ,OS??os ,IE??browser
for vb2.0.0 and vb2.0.1

The acurity of ipaddress anto parse is depend on a ipdata foder.
You shuld edit the file as the install text and create a new folder named ipdata in you bb folder,in ipdata folder,you should put your ipaddress like 201.txt/211.txt/209.txt/......other.txt fomat.

May be a mini bug:
It sameed can't parse winme user and regard it as win98.
Someone can help me to edit it?

This hack zip include:
one file---parsehackinstall.txt
It's intrduce how to install this hack.
one foder----ipdata
You should put your ipaddress like 201.txt/211.txt/209.txt/......other.txt
It must be txt fomat and be put in the ipdata folder.
(I think each coutry like use not same,but I put four ipaddress file in it for Chinese,you can overwrite them as you like)


07-22-2001, 04:23 PM
Nice! I'll give it a try later :D
p.s. I have a suggestion for you: you've released quite some hacks now, and for a demo, you always give a link to your board. That's not a problem, but "nobody" can read it. Can you make a "demo forum" in english?

07-22-2001, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by species9408
Nice! I'll give it a try later :D
p.s. I have a suggestion for you: you've released quite some hacks now, and for a demo, you always give a link to your board. That's not a problem, but "nobody" can read it. Can you make a "demo forum" in english?

A good suggestion.But I need some other php+mysql host.:(

07-22-2001, 08:49 PM
try F2S (http://www.f2s.com) it's free but slow und very often down. but for testing its ok. but the question is: what does jelsoft say?
i think it cause a conflikt with the copyrights.

07-23-2001, 04:02 AM
yeah, two boards on 1 license... didn't think of that. Maybe one exeption :confused: :)