View Full Version : Quick Navigation on v4 Modified

01-20-2010, 11:38 PM
in vb 3 forum jump just select forum and click go
in vb 4 must search in list of the forum

How can I make the list as it was in version 3?

01-25-2010, 03:17 PM
Another vote for this feature!

12-15-2010, 02:59 AM
Me three... users begging for it back. Why take it out? Newer is not necessarily better.

12-16-2010, 12:26 AM
OK... This will add the "Go" button back when viewing a thread (which is the only time I think it is necessary)

First you need to Add a New Plugin...

In Admin CP go to Plugin Manager -> Add a New Plugin
Product: vBulletin
Hook Location: showthread_start
Title: Go Button Register ShowThread
Execution Order: 5

Plugin Code:

$goforum = $threadinfo['forumid'];

vB_Template::preRegister('forumjump',array('goforu m' => $goforum));

Set Active to YES

and SAVE.

Now you must edit the forumjump template.

In Admin CP -> Style Manager -> Edit Templates -> forumjump

Find the line:

<a href="{vb:raw navpopup.link}" class="popupctrl"><span class="ctrlcontainer">{vb:raw navpopup.title}</span></a>

Below it Add:

<vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT=='showthread'"><a href="forumdisplay.php?f={vb:raw goforum}" class="textcontrol" onclick="document.location='forumdisplay.php?f={vb:raw goforum}';return false;">Go</a></vb:if>

Save Changes... Repeat for all styles you use.

You will get a Go button like in the picture...


01-15-2011, 03:43 PM
FYI I made this into a mod: