View Full Version : GeoIP GeoLite from MaxMind - Anyone Using?

01-20-2010, 02:43 PM
If anyone using the free GeoLite or the paid GeoIP products on a shared server to block/allow certain countries? I have found some older mods to incorporate this into vB, but I am looking to use more on an entire site level through .htaccess files as shown on their web site. Having some problems with it working though. If anyone here has used these, please let me know and I will post the details of the issue and maybe get some feedback as to what I have configured wrong. (I also posted on their forum, but there are about 100x more people here...)

10-12-2010, 02:26 PM
Sorry, I just saw your post. Hope you solved this problem.

Yes, we just GeoIP for many tasks. It works great and is very easy to install.

The easiest way is to install the Apache2 mod_geoip. There are many APIs.

10-13-2010, 12:04 AM
It's a good service (speaking from the point of view of running an ad server with geotargetting)

10-16-2010, 11:28 AM
We use the GeoIP database from MaxMind for many things:

OpenX Ad server geotargeting
Custom (Home grown) GeoIP plugin to show cities and countries under IP address in Who's Online (online.php) to admins and mods
Custom (Home grown) GeoIP plugin to show cities and countries in welcome message to all members in Navbar
Custom (Home grown) GeoIP with Bayesian classifier plugin used for spam classification and moderation.
Custom logging (with added GeoIP info in log files)
More, can't remember.Should be a standard part of vB the same as it is with OpenX ad server. You can do a lot with geo information.

Other vB mods that use other methods are not very scaleable (or accurate) compared to using the binary database (free) from MaxMind.

01-11-2011, 04:11 PM
Sorry, I just saw your post. Hope you solved this problem.

Yes, we just GeoIP for many tasks. It works great and is very easy to install.

The easiest way is to install the Apache2 mod_geoip. There are many APIs.

I just had this installed on my apache 1.3.3 on my server. I am using vb 4.1.0PL2

So, I was wondering, how do I start banning countries on the server level? Thats what I want because I have several sites on that server, and they get hit with email spam attempts too.

I am a novice though, don't know how to program, I need a product of some kind?


01-12-2011, 05:25 AM
If you install Apache2 mod_geoip you can so something like below to redirect visitors from China, for example, to another web site or page:

if (apache_note("GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE") == 'CN'){
header("Location: http://www.anotherplace.com");

There are many ways to do this. It is really simple, BTW.

01-12-2011, 05:31 AM
I cant till I upgrade my whole physical server...