View Full Version : Post status icons

01-19-2010, 06:43 AM
Hi, newbie here.

Wow, two sets of vBulletin forums, only just found this one :o

We have recently decided to move our 10 year old message board (6000 members) to vBulletin. We have managed to customise the board to match our style, but have a few things I cannot do. The "old" message board system relied on CSS as a customisation "tool", I'm not sure where to start on vBulletin. It is difficult to move to a.n.other system as the methods and terminology are alien, but this (as best I can explain it) is one of my requirements.

re. Post Status Icons. I don't want several of the Post Status Icons: "Hot Threads"; "No New Posts "and "You have posted in this thread" ones - leaving me with the two I do want which are the "New Posts" and the "Thread is closed". I have only found removal options for the "hot thread" ones in the CP, so i removed them.

I found a thread on "the other forum" and from that I deduced that there were no removal options in the CP for the others? So, I made some replacement 1px x 1px icons as described but these show as a dot ,since they are displayed against a black and a grey background on my board I had to choose one of the two colours (maybe transparency is somehow an option I could look at). The problem is that the "key" explaining the meaning of the symbols remains at the bottom.

How would I remove this please?

Reiterating, I just want a "New Posts" symbol and the words "new Posts", and a "locked symbol" and the words "Thread is locked"


Hell Bomb
01-22-2010, 01:54 AM
they are at the bottom of your FORUMHOME and FORUMDISPLAY templates just remove the ones you want to get rid of :)

01-22-2010, 01:59 PM
Thanks Tom

Please bear with me as this is so new to me as yet.

Where and how do I find these FORUMHOME and FORUMDISPLAY templates? I've navigated around the AdminCP quite a bit and see "Save" buttons but whilst just looking am apprehensive about withdrawing without saving - is it ok just to use the browser's back button or just navigate further without hitting the "Save"?


Hell Bomb
01-22-2010, 09:05 PM
go to the admincp and you should see Style and Templates. in that mini category click style manager, then go to your style and from the drop down menu select edit template.

01-26-2010, 09:05 AM
Just seen this, so thanks again

That was very helpful, I am finding my way slowly around now. But it's PHP and I know very little about this although it looks "fairly recogniseable"

Can one make changes; see the effect; and then if not as expected (or simply that the changes were wrongly actioned :o) get back?

Is that what the "revert" button does?

Also, do you close the board and do this, or make a copy of the style and try changing that?

Sorry for the newbie-type questions but am still a bit apprehensive at this stage

Another example of the sort of this I want to do, apart from the post status icons question, is how to change the colour of the "thread title" , in this case "Barbel Talk"


I could try, if I could find where maybe, but would not be sure if there were other texts affected too.


Hell Bomb
01-26-2010, 12:45 PM
Hmmm I'm really not sure but ill be take a look around and see if i can find it, ill post back when I find it. I think it will be in the navbar template under navigation/breadcrumb as what you want to change is the breadcrumb.

01-26-2010, 01:14 PM
Thanks again. Would appreciate your help for sure :)