View Full Version : a few newbie questions

01-18-2010, 03:21 PM
first, how do I increase post sizes. VB limits the number of characters in a post. I'd like to increase it. Where can I do that?

second, where do I go in style to change the color of the tool bar above threads that has things like: Forum Tools, Administrative, search forum, and Inline mode drop downs. I would like to change both the back ground color and the font color on this tool bar (you can see it here: http://www.backalleynoir.com//forumdisplay.php?3-Film-Noir I'm have a B*tch of a time finding what colors to change where. As you can see I've changed a lot of colors but some just don't match yet.

third: I'd like to be able to embed TCM videos for example, here http://www.backalleynoir.com//forumdisplay.php?3-Film-Noir Is there a way to add them like you do YouTube videos?

on my old site there was a news ticker that I could update with announcements on the main forum page (see here http://filmnoir.suddenlaunch3.com/index.cgi for an example). Is a feature like that available through VB?

Finally, I'd like my quotes to look like the quotes here instead of the default on 4.0. How do I do that.

I've searched but I've yet to find these answers yet. Thanks all.

01-18-2010, 03:34 PM
vboptions > posting & editing options > max chars per post

quotes are a mod, try a search and you should find it

tcm videos, there is some media mod that does all sorts of videos - again, try a search in the mods and you should find it.

01-18-2010, 05:18 PM
thanks for the quick reply. I'm still searching... thanks for any help pointing me in the right direction.