View Full Version : Dynamic Support! Request 2.0.1

07-21-2001, 11:02 PM
It seems to me vbulletin has only static support.
(meaning you can not include the script on a different page / gateway)

Has anyone produced this hack yet for 2.01.? I have so far produced a hack for glossermans links 2.0, matts calendar and imagefolio for dynamic support. Djgateway.com/v3 you can view some scripts in action. <beta site>

The harder part about hacking this script seems to lack even the most basic global variables.
Such as: Full url paths. vbulletin only produces to the static local directories.
i.e.: "images/blah.jpg"
i.e.: "forum.php?foo=boo"
(IF) lets say I want include the script in a gateway i.e.:
global $QUERY_STRING,$loc;
if ($inc=="forum"){
btable (yes,Forums,forums);
etable ();
function loc($page){
include ("/home/sites/site46/web/v3/forums/".$page.$QUERY_STRING");

Too enable this feature: I would have to pass my own variables to activate the process. Original urls that look like i.e.:
<a href="forumdisplay.php?s=foobar&forumid=foobar">
will have to change to:
<a href=\"".$urlhack."inc=forum&loc=forumdisplay.php&s=foobar&forumid=foobar\">

The problem? vbulletin is a bitch, does not even touch dynamic support.
My conclusion: vbulletin was created for stand alone use! ie: people who do not have dynamic layouts.
Any help producing this hack would be very nice. Thanks, :D -php developer

07-21-2001, 11:05 PM
Hey Al.. (refering to username on ImageFolio)

This would be a little coding.. some of us have a little bit of it, but not all that much.. I use it from time.. thanks to your advice and solutions for image folio, I have applied it to a couple of things :)

07-21-2001, 11:14 PM
wow brad, didnt expect to see you here. hehe..
I just got this script couple of days ago.

I have not read or looked at the many posts or hacks for the scipt, so I'm not as you can say "uptodate"
what begining codes do you have?

I have yet to get / understand the basic structure of the script.

07-22-2001, 02:24 PM
Eva from IF UBB here :)

Al aren't you the guy who did the cgi to php hack for IF to work ?

07-22-2001, 04:58 PM
yep, and I'm 1/2 way done already on this script. :o}
Its nice to see the same webmasters community.

07-22-2001, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Sommerfeld
yep, and I'm 1/2 way done already on this script. :o} well hi then :)

07-23-2001, 07:10 AM
you guys first are gona have to change every template.. ugh!!! I'm still in the process.. what a +++++

but you know what, this is going to work! which is the good thing.. I'm gona need bug support soon

07-23-2001, 09:11 AM
go look at a preview gateway

echo "<b>error:</b> no \$inc to enable forum<br>\n";
echo "Try this link <a href=\"http://djgateway.com/v3/data/test.php?inc=forum\">http://djgateway.com/v3/data/test.php?inc=forum</a>\n";
echo "<br>phpinfo for debug<br><br>\n";
echo "known problem -1, VB scripts that output important headers<br>\n";
echo "<i>(ie.. pages that redirect your browser to certian pages from the headers)</i><br>\n";
echo "<i>(This problem is my major concern at the moment, any ideas?)</i><br>\n";
echo "known problem -2, VB scripts that post vars<br>\n";
echo "<i>(this maybe a issue, i belive i have a working solution but untested)</i><br>\n";
echo "known problem -3, VB scripts that echo self made href's not included in templates<br>\n";
echo "<i>(fixed them but have not uploaded for other reasons)</i><br>\n";
echo "known problem -4, I'm far from editing all the templates to work dynamicly<br>\n";
echo "Email me alex@djgateway.com, I hope to complete soon<br>\n";


function loc($page){
global $QUERY_STRING,$f_url;
include ($f_url.$page."?".$QUERY_STRING);

Like it says above I have a concern for headrer information. I was thinking about outputing the header information to a file in vb. then have the gateway read the hearder info. This idea turns out bad. you already activated the gateway before vb is included. so plain inclusion will not work, it would only include past headers that vb left behind. Another Idea? How about catching the information? Have a time laps, make sure vb is full loaded then output the info you need?

I need help as you can see? and 2cents are very much welomce!

07-23-2001, 12:34 PM
Al, it does look like what you want to get done will be ALOT of coding.. and manipulation from the original don't ya think... but if it all gets done, it will run really NICELY :)

I cannot be as of much help yet, cause I am still learning php and going through vb to see where everything goes and how everything ties together :)

that and I am only inside a few hours a day (besides sleeping) to get any work done. It is just too nice outside :)