View Full Version : How do I increase how "wide" text can go before it goes to the next line?

01-17-2010, 12:22 AM
This is getting ubearable (nagging at me)... On my forum, text seems to "jump" to the next line (so it looks more like poetry than sentences, if you get what I mean)...

Attached is an example. It's really horrid when the window isn't maximized, this example however is with it maximized. Notice how much space there is on the line VS how much space got taken up.

How do I change this?



01-17-2010, 12:33 AM
This is a known bug in 4.0.1. There's a fix for 4.0.2, but in the meantime you can make a small template modification and it will fix it.

Check the fourth post in this thread: