View Full Version : database 3.8 to 4

01-15-2010, 02:25 PM
Hi, I hope this is ok to ask in this section.

I would like to upgrade my forums from vb 3.8 to vb 4 which I hear you say is easy enough. But I would like to start with a nice clean database. I am afraid because of lots of tinkering by me trying to learn the ropes and alot of installed and uninstalled mods I have a messy database.

Is there away for me to export my database from 3.8 and then import into my new vb 4 database but only have it add the likes of users, forums and posts and not add all the other stuff? ie if the new database doesn't have it dont add it.

I am not looking for someone to hold my hand but a nudge in the right direction would be great.

01-18-2010, 03:10 AM
No. If prior modifications added tables, there's no automatic way to delete them. But it doesn't really matter because the forum will just ignore them.