View Full Version : How can I make Page Background more dark?

01-14-2010, 08:40 PM

Currently, if you check my GamersThrone (http://www.gamersthrone.com/) website, you'll see a darkish maroon colored semi-transparent Page Background. I accidentally changed the "Page Background" setting under Style Manager and messed it up. It used to be a darker color. Almost as dark as the footer, but not so dark that you couldn't tell it was transparent.

Anyway, here is what I currently have set in my "Page Background" setting:

#000000 url(http://www.gamersthrone.com/forum/images/gt-silver/transparencies/maroon.png)

How can I change that to make it more dark? I want it to be close to black, like it used to be. It's even lighter if you look at it in Internet Explorer. :mad:

Please help!