View Full Version : Is it possible to set forum up to resemble Backpage?

01-13-2010, 09:45 PM
This is hard to explain, but I hope it makes sense.
I like how when you go to backpage, you are able to post an ad in a specific city, and your post to that city also shows up in the state.

Example 1: You post in Denver, Colorado. Anyone that goes to the Denver backpage is able to view your post. In addition, anyone that goes to the Colorado backpage is able to see your post.

I like how it gives the option to either view posts by city, or by state; and when you view by state, it bunches together all the posts (from every city in that state) in one place. Is there a way to do this?

Example 2: Say I post in Denver, CO -and- Boulder, CO -and- Colorado Springs, CO...
Is there a way to simply go to the Colorado forum, and have it combine for you all of the posts from these three cities, but still keep them separate to allow anyone to click the city to narrow it down and view a specific area?

01-14-2010, 10:15 AM
Use tags and prefixes.
Make every thread have a prefix for Colorado.
Tag every thread with the specific city in Colorado.
Add a menu/nav of some kind that lists your forums by city or by state.
Have those menu links point to the output given out by either the state prefix or the city tag.
Whichever output you want people to be able to see.
Then whichever one they choose will take them to a forum page filled with posts of the required prefix or tag.

You can also throw up a link via a notice in every specific "town" forum that says "want to see posts for all of colorado (or whatever)" and that takes people to a list of all threads with the prefix Colorado.
Even if you dont have a Colorado forum.

You can also do this all with RSS feeds from your own forums.

Then make a menu or some other navigation system that allows people to click on