View Full Version : how do I change the CMS section \ categories urls to be friedlier?

Yellow Slider
01-13-2010, 07:18 AM
What I basically want is this -

the main forum will be at www.site.com/index.php.
the CMS page will be separated into section, lets say -

www.site.com/howto - #1 section
www.site.com/media - #2 section
www.site.com/guides - #3 section
www.site.com/support - #4 section
www.site.com/web -#5 section

you got the idea, the articles under each section will be

www.site.com/howto/<category name>/this-is-an-article

this is what I want to do.
we don't need to content.php part in the url.. it's much more professional like I asked.

and please don't just tell me "ModRewrite"
