View Full Version : Change meta descriptions on homepage in admincp?

01-11-2010, 07:29 PM
Google webmaster tools tells me I have a short meta description. it tells me the meta description is: "vBulletin 4.0 Publishing Suite with CMS". I have changed what I could find in admincp. What have I overlooked? It might be lag in google but they have crawled my page a couple of times now and I still get that message when checking "HTML suggestions" in Google webmaster tools.

01-12-2010, 12:41 AM
Google webmaster tools tells me I have a short meta description. it tells me the meta description is: "vBulletin 4.0 Publishing Suite with CMS". I have changed what I could find in admincp. What have I overlooked? It might be lag in google but they have crawled my page a couple of times now and I still get that message when checking "HTML suggestions" in Google webmaster tools.

You can not do that in the AdminCP.

Here is how to edit the Meta Description, Title, and Meta Keywords on the Home Page. Or any page on your site.

Go to your Home Page. Make sure that you are logged in with your Admin Username and Password.

Place your cursor next to the Front Page Title (or whichever yours is called). A pencil icon will appear. Click on it and you will be able to edit it.

Here is a Screenshot. You can see the pencil icon that appears beside the Front Page title.


01-13-2010, 12:22 PM
Thanks MikeLac.