View Full Version : Parsing links by usergroups and why I might not need it?

01-06-2010, 03:11 AM
I am searching for something that apparently is not in high demand and seems like a required feature. So - I think I must be searching for the wrong terms or lacking an understanding of why this is not needed. I have not managed a vb community in years and am very rusty. Please help point me in the right direction if you can.

I don't want members of a usergroup (New users) to be able to post any links in forums or blogs (VB4.0 Suite). I want to remove the incentive for spammers to sign up. I do not want to globally disable bb code parsed links, just turn that feature off for specific usergroups.

I am wondering why there seems to be little mention of this, some but not much. Is there a better way to accomplish my goal, am I worried about a small problem (My community is not active yet) or am I searching for the wrong terms?

Thank you

01-06-2010, 03:16 AM
I've seen mods like that for the 3.x series, but 4.0 has only been gold for less than three weeks, so maybe they haven't upgraded it.

As for the main reason you want it.... I have never used a mod like that on my site. I try to stop the spammers from signing up, and if they do sign up, the mods quickly ban them and their posts with one-click. Sure, it's not perfect, but nothing is.

01-06-2010, 03:29 AM
Maybe I will just stop worrying about this until it becomes a problem, if it does.

When I was managing an active community a long time ago, I recall that much time was spent just checking links and removing violations like hidden affiliate links. AND managing users who push the envelope trying to use links to their advantage. I just don't see the need.

Thanks Lynne