View Full Version : Add-On Releases - Dropdown Tab 's in navbar FINAL (0 edits required) IE7 friendly

01-04-2010, 10:00 PM
Etab menu system
beta-released for vb4 5-jan-2010 - Final release 28-martch-2010 - Last update 24-april-2010
Current Version 1.2

UPDATE : This is a complete new rebuild, lost alot of functions from beta
and links are not compateble with old beta. Future upgrade will be
compatable with this version.

Main thing is, this is now old browser friendly. including linux browser friendly.

About :
Meant for all "non-coders" who want a new tab the easy way..
Easy adding a new tab, and easy adding new links to that single tab.

The attached zip with sorting instructions is a html how to guide on how
to move the tabs around and also placing them between existing vb tabs.

Demo : Here (http://www.evisystems.org)
the dropdown tabs there is by this mod.

Features :

No copyright notices on page's
Nameing each tab
Link color control from admincp.
Easy acces from AdminCP
Unlimited ammount of tabs and links.
Usergroup controls (who can see the tabs) - will come back eventually.
Target controls, what window to open in (good if iframes/named windows)
Sort order, known like the weight system. with click arrows to control weight.Download :
New full release : 116240

History :

28-mar-2010 full release 1.1
-completely rebuild, unlimited ammount of tabs, easyer control, admincp functionallity.
24-april-2010 Version 1.2 update
- Added weight system, to control sort order of links and tabs when displayed for user.

Changelog + todo list full version :
- Weight system / Sort order. * In current version

Installation instructions :

- Upload files from zip
- Import product

Upgrade instructions :

Upgradeing from 1.1 to 1.2
1 - Upload the nytabs.php to admincp
2 - reimport the product, allow overwrite

Plans for upgrades + buglist/reports :
- Usergroup control for each tab./- Usergroup view acces on each tab.
- Image support for links. Not sure this will be implemented, will look into it though.

Feedback and suggestions are wery welcome,
remember to mark installed..


01-05-2010, 06:56 AM
OLD content from beta phase ---

History :
5-jan-2010 beta release version 0.4
5-jan-2010 beta update version 0.7
-added phrasetypes + phrases, additional tabs?
5-jan-2010 beta update version 0.8
-admincp renamed, missing error phrase, link alignment.
7-jan-2010 beta update version 0.94
-usergroup acces control, edit existing links, targer control
11-jan-2010 beta update version 0.9x - next up
-adds 1 additional tab, tab hoover color, arrow fix, css
Download :
OLD beta : Attachment 109716 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=109716)
Sorting tabs instructions Attachment 109715 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=109715) - only valid for old version

Changelog -version id's all beta :
- admincp renameing for those who use "standard folders" * Fixed in current version
- step by step instructions on moveing the tabs to any desired location. * Fixed added in next version
- Add options for more tabs with individual links* Fixed in current version
- First link, not aligned with the rest * Fixed in current version
- Add phrases for easy translation* Fixed in current version
- Missing phrase "succes" * Fixed in current version
- Ability to control target window * Fixed in current version
- Able to edit existing links and order they appear * Fixed in current version
- Hovering dont change background color * Fixed added in next version
- usergroup permission control pr tab * Fixed in current version

01-05-2010, 09:14 AM
I installed this and getting:


Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server.

The attachment has the folder "adminCP" <-- should be admincp .. the caps creates a whole new map.

Saving a tab name gives me:
Could not find phrase 'SUCCES!'.

As your screenshot, when adding multiple links to the navbar. The first link uses up some space over the other links you'll add.. Possible this can align all perfectly?

Possible more tabs can be created with this plugin? :)

01-05-2010, 09:25 AM
The attachment has the folder "adminCP" <-- should be admincp .. the caps creates a whole new map.

Fixed for next

Saving a tab name gives me:

Edit : FIXED

As your screenshot, when adding multiple links to the navbar. The first link uses up some space over the other links you'll add.. Possible this can align all perfectly?

Fixed for next version

Possible more tabs can be created with this plugin? :)

Ofcourse, lastest version have 3, but you have to uninstall previous version
as i was cleaing the install code for the db..

01-05-2010, 08:39 PM
Is it possible to require that a link opens in a new window / new tab (depending on browser) / existing window ?


01-05-2010, 09:08 PM
Is it possible to require that a link opens in a new window / new tab (depending on browser) / existing window ?


oh you want to control if the links open in same window, parent or new ?
gonna add it to the todo's good idea, relative simple to implement.

01-06-2010, 12:34 AM
Something I've seen on some other mods that do similar things would be allowing you to specify a user group that the links show to, per link.

Anyway, nice stuff. =)

01-06-2010, 02:01 AM
Tagged My old 3.8 forum had two fully loaded nav bars and 1 navtab bar im sure as i repopulate my links this will come in very useful.

01-06-2010, 06:13 AM
thanks man I will use it in my forum

01-06-2010, 10:19 AM
Domo Arigato

Nice plugin and ty 4 the update

01-07-2010, 12:33 AM
Been waiting for something like this. I will use this and remove the other one. Will be waiting for the updates too.

Excellent work!

Waiting to install it when "open in new tab/window" options are included. :)

01-07-2010, 10:58 AM
Nice, waiting for the usergroup permissions update. :)

01-07-2010, 01:23 PM
Nice, waiting for the usergroup permissions update. :)

The usergroup permissions is working on my local dev server,
howewer i wanted to include the sorting of the links in order
aswell, but haveing some problems with it..

trying to resolve the issue ASAP, and ill send update notification once
i upload it here..

sorry for the delay..

01-07-2010, 04:40 PM
I installed, but the options link did not show in the admin navigation menu at all. Any idea?

01-07-2010, 06:19 PM
Vaupell, your updates to this thread are amazing. Good work.

01-07-2010, 06:37 PM
Ok guys,, Mod is updated,

I installed, but the options link did not show in the admin navigation menu at all. Any idea?

Did you upload the includes/xml folder ? it contains a file called Cpnav_etab.xml
which is the one that adds the tabs to your adminCP.

Vaupell, your updates to this thread are amazing. Good work.

Thank you.. appriciated.

01-07-2010, 07:01 PM
This is excellent!!!!

I have a request if you dont mind.

Can you allow for the adding of a small 20x20 image to the left of the submenus? :)

01-07-2010, 07:46 PM
This just might be the most popular tab soon. ;) Voted for motm also.

01-07-2010, 08:14 PM
You totally rock! Thanks so much for sharing this. Have a splendid week*

01-07-2010, 08:20 PM
This is excellent!!!!

I have a request if you dont mind.

Can you allow for the adding of a small 20x20 image to the left of the submenus? :)

thought about it myself, and dont see why not.
adding it to the todo's.

01-08-2010, 05:43 AM
Did you upload the includes/xml folder ? it contains a file called Cpnav_etab.xml
which is the one that adds the tabs to your adminCP.

Yes, I did that... anyways, I will try the updated version and report.

This mod is amazing and I was wondering why there was none like this so far. Hope it works for me ;)

EDIT: Tried with new version 0.93

Same problem continues. Have followed the instructions to the last letter and dot.

Etab shows on frontend. Shows as installed on the products page, but no link to options. Tried to go directly to www.mydomain.com/admincp/etab.php and got a 404 error. Absolutely no other problems in the site.

I have other mods installed too and not sure if it is an interaction between them... Please see the admincp screenshot attached.


01-08-2010, 10:49 AM
Tried with new version 0.93

Same problem continues. Have followed the instructions to the last letter and dot.

Etab shows on frontend. Shows as installed on the products page, Tried to go directly to www.mydomain.com/admincp/etab.php and got a 404 error. Absolutely no other problems in the site.

you should never get a 404.php that means the file is not existing at location,
when entering a url from the admincp direct in your browser you "usually"
gets presented with a login box, if allready logged in, then the page..

check if :
If you have named your admincp something else and defined it in config.php
please make sure when uploading the file for admincp you put it in the right
admincp folder..

else try reuploadingg it
more info on 404 here (http://www.404errorpages.com/)

but no link to options.

heard of this before, in other mods, will look into it.
im thinking its sharing navigation order id with another mod,
howewer that "should" just place them below
each other. but gonna check on that xml file for you..

UPDATE try this file,
i have test this on 4 boards, 2 of them which werent my own..
109468 <- will only work for .93 - .96
place that in your includes/xml/ directory..
it should make the links show in adminCP regardless if there is a file
or not in admincp folder.

01-08-2010, 11:59 AM
Tks for this very nice hack !

I've got just a question :

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ (http://img339.imageshack.us/i/mouseover.jpg/)

Can you change this mouse over color effet ? because has you see it, it's black and not the same than vBulletin originaly. Can you understand ?

01-08-2010, 01:34 PM
Tks for this very nice hack !

I've got just a question :

http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6755/mouseover.th.jpg (http://img339.imageshack.us/i/mouseover.jpg/)

Can you change this mouse over color effet ? because has you see it, it's black and not the same than vBulletin originaly. Can you understand ?

Yes i "understand" ;)
and its in the known issues list on first page. its going to be default colour by next version.
so it will match user styles.. ;)

01-08-2010, 05:15 PM
Perfect !! thank you very much, very good job !

01-08-2010, 06:40 PM
Just installed it.

I'd like to ask for a small favor as well, if you don't mind. Could you perhaps add the usergroup permissions to the links as well (instead of only tabs)

Because that way you can make 1 tab about a certain subject, with both links to guests, users and admins alike.

Hope you'll consider it. :)

01-08-2010, 09:07 PM
Simply brilliant work mate, tanks, easy to use and one of the better tab adding hacks..

THANKS!!!! :up:

01-08-2010, 10:05 PM
Very nice mod. Great work. thanks

01-08-2010, 10:43 PM
Any chance you want to add a feature where the drop-down list can have two columns. So in case someone has like 10 links to add, they can have two columns of 5 instead of one column of ten which will be too long.

If its not too much trouble. :)

01-10-2010, 04:38 AM
This mod was what I was looking for!!

01-10-2010, 10:07 AM
superb hack, just nominated ;) but need to be changed the 'mouse over' like the other (default) tabs ... ;)

REQ: can you move the options of the tab in the 'settings' group? (i mean in the ACP)


01-11-2010, 11:15 AM
Been real busy the last couple of days, so low on extra time.
But got time to fix a few things so.

Modification updated, see changelog for changes and fixes.

And thanks for the kinds words.

REQ: can you move the options of the tab in the 'settings' group? (i mean in the ACP)


yes, added to suggestions/plans.

proberly gonna rewrite the whole thing, before a "non" beta release
there is alot fo cleanup needed, and there are quite a few easyer ways
to execute some of the query's ive made.

Just my fault i didnt get that one in the planned, cause i was planning to add it
to settings group.. ;)

01-11-2010, 04:53 PM
For the new update the .97 do we need to to replace the product and the files? OR just the product import?

ADDED: Found the answer ...Have to upload the xml and the files both to get a full upgrade and it worked like a charm. still testing the new features.

Thanks Vaupell.

In your description you have said "* 3 Costum tabs" you might want to change that to "* 4 Costum tabs"

01-12-2010, 10:18 PM
Why a static amount of tabs?

01-12-2010, 10:34 PM
Why a static amount of tabs?

sorry if you missed the discussion, plan is to remake to unlimited ammount,
but during the beta it will remain static.

01-13-2010, 04:15 PM

Thanks for this mod.
It would be great if we could also add this to widgets and create vertical flyout menus.

01-14-2010, 07:05 PM
Many thanks
will install.

01-14-2010, 07:34 PM
unfortunately, I had to disable it as it is incompatible with IE earlier version.
It would be great if it can be updated.

01-14-2010, 07:43 PM

Thanks for this mod.
It would be great if we could also add this to widgets and create vertical flyout menus.

not sure what you mean, i will google your expressions to see what it comes up with :D

unfortunately, I had to disable it as it is incompatible with IE earlier version.
It would be great if it can be updated.

Works fine with ie7 which is the oldest version supported by Microsoft themself.
Support for olderversions might only by supplyed by MS-partners.
works with ie8, firefox, chrome, opera, safari

howewer as for ie6, No go, IE6 and earlyer versions are obsolete
and will not be supported by me. and proberly many others aswell..
the thing with companys forcing ie6 is bs,, i work for Siemens, and are
using a "global" network, with forced browsers, howewer i can still use
alternate browsers, FF etc..

So sorry older browser versions is just weird, they dont support modern css, html, etc.
and other implements which is used on most websites around the web

-- PS / EDIT

its not my mod, im not using anything vbulletin 4 is not, so if you cant use it
then you will have features from vbulletin unavailible to you!!!

maybe read up over at vbulletin.com about older browsers and vb4
im only using resources supplyed by vb4.

01-15-2010, 04:10 AM
not sure what you mean, i will google your expressions to see what it comes up with :D

Works fine with ie7 which is the oldest version supported by Microsoft themself.
Support for olderversions might only by supplyed by MS-partners.
works with ie8, firefox, chrome, opera, safari

howewer as for ie6, No go, IE6 and earlyer versions are obsolete
and will not be supported by me. and proberly many others aswell..
the thing with companys forcing ie6 is bs,, i work for Siemens, and are
using a "global" network, with forced browsers, howewer i can still use
alternate browsers, FF etc..

So sorry older browser versions is just weird, they dont support modern css, html, etc.
and other implements which is used on most websites around the web

-- PS / EDIT

its not my mod, im not using anything vbulletin 4 is not, so if you cant use it
then you will have features from vbulletin unavailible to you!!!

maybe read up over at vbulletin.com about older browsers and vb4
im only using resources supplyed by vb4.

Thanks for your comments.
In fact I have tested it on IE7 and both tabs come in separate rows. It is not working properly.

01-15-2010, 08:58 PM
Hi Vaupall, Nice work here for sure! Love it. I need to change the text to white as my skin is black. What line can I edit? thanks and keep up the good work.

01-21-2010, 10:59 AM
Great mod
This should be default in vb

01-21-2010, 11:53 AM
Installed look Good :)

01-21-2010, 01:32 PM
Another Great Mod Vaupell!

I've read through the posts and I know a couple users have already mentioned this, but I thought I would post some screenshots. It seems on the lighter 'styles', the backgrounds and links look great, but on the darker styles, it seems the background is dark and the text remains dark.
If it could use the same vars(?) as the submenu (see pics). This would be great and consistent. Seems like you had this in the works though




01-23-2010, 08:15 AM
Just installed, works good. A couple issues though. =)

Remove the FONT tags and that'll get rid of the dropdown link colors getting overridden and it'll use the defaults.

Quick nitpick "Success" is misspelled when saving data.

Also, one bug I had happen, but haven't reproduced is that when I saved a URL with an ampersand & in it, at some point, those ampersands were converted to the &amp; when they shouldn't.

Thinking about it, I think it might of happened when I did the reorder and save or when I created them to begin with. I was able to edit them and save them without a problem though.

Thank you for your work!

01-23-2010, 12:11 PM
It's very nice but i want few things, so i am uninstalling it for now:

1) to be able to make the tab on 1st position

2)to be able to function by it's own without dropdown button

3)when i am pressing it to highlight and not show highlighted my "home" tab

thank u anyway very nice mod

01-23-2010, 07:39 PM
Found a problem with IE7 and this display.

The tabs appear in the middle of the tabnav. They also don't have the dropdown arrow denoting that the tab is a dropdown. When you click them though, the dropdown appears where it should, as if the tab were in the correct place, but the tab is still in the middle of the tabnav.

01-31-2010, 12:49 AM
I installed E tab and then uninstalled it, however, the etab menu didn't delete and tab a, tab b and tab c still appear, however of course when you click on tab a, b or c nothing is there anymore still i unstalled it. How do I totally remove e tab from the control panel?


02-04-2010, 09:38 AM
i have made my forum on localhost...without errors, and then i have upload it to the web...

although i have changed my forum location on vb options from localhost to myforum.com i get this error when i try to access to my forum, or etabs options

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_Etaboption WHERE Tid='1';

MySQL Error : Table 'ue1ue2_foro.vb_Etaboption' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, February 4th 2010 @ 05:31:15 AM
Error Date : Thursday, February 4th 2010 @ 05:31:16 AM
Script : http://www.myforum.com/forum.php
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.30

and this error is showing at etabs admincp
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_Etaboption;

MySQL Error : Table 'ue1ue2_foro.vb_Etaboption' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, February 4th 2010 @ 05:35:09 AM
Error Date : Thursday, February 4th 2010 @ 05:35:09 AM
Script : http://myforum.com/admincp/etab.php?do=main
Referrer : http://xxxxxx.com/admincp/index.php?do=nav
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.30

i have entered on phpmyadmin and vb_Etaboption exist..all the tables which are on localhost, are on mysite.com

however, i have repaired all tables through admincp but issue still...

this was a really nice mod, my favourite, but its too bad to get this error

02-06-2010, 07:21 PM
Sorry have been busy with REAL LIFE lately, so havent had much time for VB.

It's very nice but i want few things, so i am uninstalling it for now:

1) to be able to make the tab on 1st position

2)to be able to function by it's own without dropdown button

3)when i am pressing it to highlight and not show highlighted my "home" tab

thank u anyway very nice mod

Tx for the reports looking into it..

Found a problem with IE7 and this display.

The tabs appear in the middle of the tabnav. They also don't have the dropdown arrow denoting that the tab is a dropdown. When you click them though, the dropdown appears where it should, as if the tab were in the correct place, but the tab is still in the middle of the tabnav.

I installed E tab and then uninstalled it, however, the etab menu didn't delete and tab a, tab b and tab c still appear, however of course when you click on tab a, b or c nothing is there anymore still i unstalled it. How do I totally remove e tab from the control panel?


Yes it DOES NOT WORK WITH OLD BROWSERS! and never will!
plenty of alternatives that does.
will put a message in the main content post later!!

If the tabs still appear the mod is still active, but when uninstalling the plugins
should be removed, if the tabs appear, check

- plugins from the mod are gone (removed)
- CMS cache or anyother cache is cleared

i have made my forum on localhost...without errors, and then i have upload it to the web...

although i have changed my forum location on vb options from localhost to myforum.com i get this error when i try to access to my forum, or etabs options

and this error is showing at etabs admincp
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:

i have entered on phpmyadmin and vb_Etaboption exist..all the tables which are on localhost, are on mysite.com

however, i have repaired all tables through admincp but issue still...

this was a really nice mod, my favourite, but its too bad to get this error

Yes, old bug, but it was solved with .97 the origin of the bug was a earlyer version
where the plugins wasent formatted in the correct case sensitive SQL query's.

And only way to solve it, is open the plugins and change the SELECT strings to match your tables..

Happens ie when moveing from a windows server to a apache server..

02-23-2010, 02:20 PM
Great mod, but there're two major problems for me:

1 - The new navbar tabs only display for users logged-in, and most my site's traffic is visitors. I am testing vb4.02.

2 - I am getting the problem described by Trek below in IE 8 when running in Windows Vista (see this screen grab) (http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k456/claphamboy/IE8_vista_screengrad.jpg), but it's OK in IE 8 running on Windows XP.

Found a problem with IE7 and this display.

The tabs appear in the middle of the tabnav. They also don't have the dropdown arrow denoting that the tab is a dropdown. When you click them though, the dropdown appears where it should, as if the tab were in the correct place, but the tab is still in the middle of the tabnav.

Any ideas on these two problems?

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

02-24-2010, 12:04 PM
Great mod, but there're two major problems for me:

1 - The new navbar tabs only display for users logged-in, and most my site's traffic is visitors. I am testing vb4.02.

2 - I am getting the problem described by Trek below in IE 8 when running in Windows Vista (see this screen grab) (http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k456/claphamboy/IE8_vista_screengrad.jpg), but it's OK in IE 8 running on Windows XP.

Any ideas on these two problems?

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

Yes i know whats wrong, and its older ie browsers thats ++++ing it up!
and nothing to do about it. Im working on a complete rebuild of this mod that is nothing
like it is now, but with unlimited tab count and such, admin panel same style as now.
But for now, this is as is. Im using it on my own site, and basicly i put a banner
saying if your using old browsers, go away. my content is only for users with ability
to upgrade their browsers anyway..

but the new build is working in ie6 and 7, but is wery buggy so wont ewen beta
release it right now. :) but i will ofcurse replace the new mod with this, when its ready.

02-24-2010, 01:04 PM
Yes i know whats wrong, and its older ie browsers thats ++++ing it up!
and nothing to do about it. Im working on a complete rebuild of this mod that is nothing
like it is now, but with unlimited tab count and such, admin panel same style as now.
But for now, this is as is. Im using it on my own site, and basicly i put a banner
saying if your using old browsers, go away. my content is only for users with ability
to upgrade their browsers anyway..

but the new build is working in ie6 and 7, but is wery buggy so wont ewen beta
release it right now. :) but i will ofcurse replace the new mod with this, when its ready.

Thanks for your reply, but that screenshot I linked to is IE8 running in Vista, not an older browser.

More importantly can you, or anyone, tell me how I can get the new navbar tabs to display to visitors not logged in?

On my test site I’ve added navbar links for ‘What’s On’ & ‘Eating Out’, but as you can see they are not showing up to visitors: http://test.doctorwatson.info/content.php

This is a problem I have in IE/Chrome & Firefox. :(

02-24-2010, 01:07 PM
did you remember to set usergroup acces for each tab ?

think be default its : 2,5,6,7

but you need to add ,1 if you want guests to see them.. ;)

so it ends up as 2,5,6,7,1

02-24-2010, 01:54 PM
did you remember to set usergroup acces for each tab ?

think be default its : 2,5,6,7

but you need to add ,1 if you want guests to see them.. ;)

so it ends up as 2,5,6,7,1

I knew it would be something simple - excellent, thank you so much. :)

Still weird that it's displaying differently in IE8 on XP and IE8 on Vista, I've never come across anything like that - another reason to hate IE!

03-11-2010, 05:47 PM
Any suggestions as to how I can put a tab between the 'Home' and 'Forum' VB tabs?

I've tried allsorts but can't get them to drop in between those two.

What I want is:

HOME [Eating-Out] FORUM [What's On] WHAT'S NEW


03-12-2010, 09:59 AM
hi, there is a trouble if we use a darker skin, we can't see the link in the subnav ... any suggestion? thx

03-28-2010, 12:16 PM
hi, there is a trouble if we use a darker skin, we can't see the link in the subnav ... any suggestion? thx

Completely rebuild the product now..

And it have changed alot, including allowing color changes etc..

Just download version 1.1 or newer, and its fine.

steven s
03-28-2010, 01:48 PM
Will this work with the CMS navbar too?

03-28-2010, 01:55 PM
Will this work with the CMS navbar too?

Ur profile says
<------------ 3.7.4 pl1

so no.. this is vb4 only.
And it adds those big buttons to the navbar on all pages
where navbar is included. if ur talking about the vb3 style navbar small text only
then no.. this is tabs!

steven s
03-28-2010, 03:49 PM
Ur profile says
<------------ 3.7.4 pl1
so no.. this is vb4 only.I have 2 forums, one being v4.02.
I forgot that the version is in the profile. I might as well remove it since v4 has been changing quite often.
And it adds those big buttons to the navbar on all pages
where navbar is included. if ur talking about the vb3 style navbar small text only
then no.. this is tabs!
Other mods also add to the navbar but not to the CMS. That is why I asked.

04-22-2010, 05:13 PM
i must re configure tabs with this update...

thats so stupid

04-23-2010, 06:33 PM
i must re configure tabs with this update...

thats so stupid

Well it was extremely clear in the beta which was not alternative browser friendly..
And the beta would not be working with a final release..

This is final, which means future updates on this mod, will ofcourse maintain
previous user settings, and installations..

04-23-2010, 06:55 PM
This is a lifesaver. I had a menu system build in css but upgrading to VB4 saw it goes west!
I love this to bits. Is there any way in the future to combine both mods. Also to add images.
Thanks very much for spending so much time on this for all of our enjoyment.
nominated and voted ;)

04-23-2010, 11:57 PM
Well it was extremely clear in the beta which was not alternative browser friendly..
And the beta would not be working with a final release..

This is final, which means future updates on this mod, will ofcourse maintain
previous user settings, and installations..

this sounds very well

ok...next time please maintain previous settings

congratulations for your work!

04-24-2010, 09:01 AM
Added weight system, and arrow click controls to add or lift weights from links/tabs
see screenshot - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=116241&d=1272102901

05-05-2010, 08:31 AM
Hi Vaupell. I think I have found a bug. It happens in IE7 and AOL9. Basically the drop down menu either stretches 100% across the forum home when you go to choose the drop down or/and my adsense advert that is just below the postbits is in front of the drop down. To explain that better. When the drop down menu appears the adsense advert is in front and the drop down menu is broken up because of this. The user cannot select anything from the menu as it then goes to close.
I'll dig out a screen shot or two and add them to this post for you once I have them from my members. :)

05-05-2010, 03:04 PM
Hi Vaupell. I think I have found a bug. It happens in IE7 and AOL9. Basically the drop down menu either stretches 100% across the forum home when you go to choose the drop down or/and my adsense advert that is just below the postbits is in front of the drop down. To explain that better. When the drop down menu appears the adsense advert is in front and the drop down menu is broken up because of this. The user cannot select anything from the menu as it then goes to close.
I'll dig out a screen shot or two and add them to this post for you once I have them from my members. :)

Hmm i understand, the adsense add, is "overlaying" the menu..
ill look into it,,
got an idea that might work by moveing the process order to later than adsense..

I will update if it figure out how to move the menu a layer up.
Thanks for info.

05-05-2010, 04:04 PM
Hi Vaupell yes you are right I think.
Firefox, Chrome and IE8 are all fine. The problem is IE7 and AOL.
Here's a screen shot of the AOL problem.

Hope this helps?

Oh nearly forgot... I'm using Vbulletin 4.0.3L1 I should have said.

05-05-2010, 08:45 PM
Here's the screen shot whilst in IE7. You'll notice that the dropdown menu expands 100% across the screen and although the last button visible here is Gallery, I have several more buttons that aren't visible in IE7.
In IE7's case I turned off adsense but it made no different.
Sorry about this.

05-06-2010, 05:29 PM
thank you

05-07-2010, 06:50 AM
awesome, i was looking for something like this !
thank you!

06-19-2010, 09:18 PM
Hi, first can i say what a great mod just what i needed, Way way better then the rest.

Now the problem just a little one. Any idea when there will be user group access control for the evi menu system as this is what i really really need.



06-20-2010, 09:10 AM
evi menu is the latest version of this hack, correct? (maybe is better to delete the older version or rename the file) :)

anyway good improvements ... just a request: it's possible to move the 'evi menu' from the home page into the settings page?

06-20-2010, 05:38 PM
Here's the screen shot whilst in IE7. You'll notice that the dropdown menu expands 100% across the screen and although the last button visible here is Gallery, I have several more buttons that aren't visible in IE7.
In IE7's case I turned off adsense but it made no different.
Sorry about this.

I have the same problem if I use IE8, I can do to fix it?

06-22-2010, 08:44 AM
<i>Usergroup controls (who can see the tabs)</i>

it'll be very cool to have this function again !!

06-22-2010, 03:36 PM
Usergroup controls (who can see the tabs)

it'll be very cool to have this function again !!

+1 :)

06-23-2010, 05:21 PM
Yes, once that happens, I will take the install route.

07-02-2010, 08:45 PM
Is there a way to have the drop-down navbar buttons 'open' when the user hovers their mouse over them rather than clicking the button for the drop-down menu?


08-09-2010, 07:57 PM
anyway to make the actual tabname a link too?

i.e if you called your Tab "FORUM" if the user clicked the word it would go forum.php. then if they clicked the arrow it would be dropdown menu

08-13-2010, 05:42 PM
anyway to make the actual tabname a link too?

i.e if you called your Tab "FORUM" if the user clicked the word it would go forum.php. then if they clicked the arrow it would be dropdown menu


08-13-2010, 05:45 PM
anyway to make the actual tabname a link too?

i.e if you called your Tab "FORUM" if the user clicked the word it would go forum.php. then if they clicked the arrow it would be dropdown menu


for that to work, you should create a tab the "normal" way..
using one of the several guides listet in the "articles" section
under vb4..

08-13-2010, 06:02 PM
for that to work, you should create a tab the "normal" way..
using one of the several guides listet in the "articles" section
under vb4..

Ok fair enough, would be cool to have for future versions of this mod! thanks for the answer

08-14-2010, 07:53 PM
Thanks dude.Very good mod

08-16-2010, 05:11 PM
A quick question about this mod. The tabs that I want to mess around with are in the 2nd row(settings, my profile, etc......) See attached pic.

Will this mod change those? Or what exactly will it change?

08-16-2010, 07:33 PM
Hi there,

I get the following warning by using this mod:

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [path]\includes\class_bootstrap.php(517) : eval()'d code (line 159)

Does anybody know what's to do?


08-16-2010, 11:03 PM
Holy BEJESUS. This is an amazing mod.

08-17-2010, 05:39 PM
After install on vb 4.0.5 (UTF8) i got this error
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(517) : eval()'d code on line 9

But mod is at first look working ok ...
But I uninstall it for the moment and wait for a fix.

Great mod :)

08-19-2010, 07:50 AM
Hi Vaupell yes you are right I think.
Firefox, Chrome and IE8 are all fine. The problem is IE7 and AOL.
Here's a screen shot of the AOL problem.

Hope this helps?

Oh nearly forgot... I'm using Vbulletin 4.0.3L1 I should have said.

Posted something similar in the VSA banner ad. Apparently it's been solved in 4.0.6, but not everybody (including yours truly) has the ability to upgrade to that yet:

Here's how to solve that:



ngiaopao added a comment - 06/Jul/10 01:23 PM
Applied fix specified by Andreas. And placed it in replacement-vbulletin-ie.css before the RTL specific fixes.

/* VBIV-7380 */
#navbar {
z-index: 2000;
/* end VBIV-7380 */

Here's the screen shot whilst in IE7. You'll notice that the dropdown menu expands 100% across the screen and although the last button visible here is Gallery, I have several more buttons that aren't visible in IE7.
In IE7's case I turned off adsense but it made no different.
Sorry about this.

I use a homegrown mod for a tab with a dropdown and experience the same issue. Only in IE <8. Did you ever manage to figure out a workaround for this? I assume the fix will be similar to the one above, so perhaps it's a matter of looking into the IE.css files. I just wouldn't know where to look.

08-19-2010, 03:12 PM
Love the mod... is there a way to have a tab be a direct link.. .not a drop down menu with linki? Also, the drop down on mine is not just a tab length wide.. the drop down is screen wide... and can we change the color / font color of the drop down. I see we can change the background of the drop down with your settings tab... but what about changing the tab color when moused over or selected... like the vB tabs? Lots of questions.. but thanks for the great work.

08-25-2010, 06:37 PM
it dosn't work on 4.0.6, does it?

08-30-2010, 12:07 PM
Can't I add dropdown links to existing tabs such as Forum?

09-26-2010, 01:28 PM
Doesn't work with 4.0.6, gives database error when trying to add tab :(

09-28-2010, 11:54 AM
Doesn't work with 4.0.6, gives database error when trying to add tab :(

Works fine for me on 4.0.6

Also a tip for those who have installed. IE7 will fill up the whole horizantal screen for the sub menu drop downs. In the template emu_tabs, find


<ul class="popupbody popuphover">

Replace with

<ul class="popupbody popuphover" style="width:auto;">

Hope it helps.

10-26-2010, 02:58 PM
I'm getting an Internal Server Error in the ACP when I click on "Links and Tabs."

Running VB 4.0.8

EDIT: nvm got it working :p

11-22-2010, 07:08 AM
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(517) : eval()'d code on line 60

vb 4.0.8

12-21-2010, 08:43 PM
superb hack, just nominated ;) but need to be changed the 'mouse over' like the other (default) tabs ... ;)

This is my main issue, why isn't the mouse over for drop down tabs the same? Makes the Navbar look off.

Is there any way to fix this?

12-21-2010, 09:36 PM
wow nice work man, installed, and nominated

12-21-2010, 10:13 PM
any updates to 4.1?

12-22-2010, 07:08 AM
Does anyone have any good working examples please?

01-06-2011, 12:04 AM
This is my main issue, why isn't the mouse over for drop down tabs the same? Makes the Navbar look off.

Is there any way to fix this?

This issue is my concern as well. Is there any way to fix it? :)

01-06-2011, 02:05 AM
Does anyone have any good working examples please?
I just installed this on my VB4 that I am testing before I go "Live". I'm impressed!


My only minor complaint is that the dropdown doesn't close after the new browser opens. Clicking the page closes it.

Great mod! I really need something like this.

01-06-2011, 08:25 AM
Thanks this will come handy to me ..............

01-18-2011, 10:46 PM
anyone using this on 4.1.1 or are there other alternatives? I am looking for a menu on mouseover that goes away, where this is click for menu and the menu stays until you click somewhere off the menu.

02-03-2011, 08:07 PM
Ok.. I have this installed and I do like it.

I do have a request which may or may not be beyond the scope of the support but if anyone knows how .. pls let me know.

I have the drop down / new tab for my flash chat program, and I would like it to show how many ppl are in chat at that moment.

Below is a screen shot from another board, running VB and java chat (they used to use flash chat). I was wondering how to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance,

02-20-2011, 12:38 PM

03-21-2011, 02:15 PM
We have been using this mod, and loving it, except for the hover color issue. After a few hours of digging around the code, we have come up with a solution!

Live Preview: Click Here (http://www.rockstarnetwork.net/)
You will see that our last two tabs are the drop down tabs from this mod! And the hover color is working perfectly!

Step 1: Search for "emu_tabs" in your templates
Once you find this section, you will notice this code that will appear:
<li class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl navtab" style="background:transparent url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/arrow.png) no-repeat {vb:stylevar right} center; padding-right: 15px">{vb:raw tabname}</a>
<ul class="popupbody popuphover">
{vb:raw hejsa}

To fix the hover color issue, you will need to change "transparent" to whatever color your other tabs are. In our case, "white" was the proper color. So the new code should be:

<li class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl navtab" style="background:hover-color white url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/arrow.png) no-repeat {vb:stylevar right} center; padding-right: 15px">{vb:raw tabname}</a>
<ul class="popupbody popuphover">
{vb:raw hejsa}

This may not be the case for everyone, but you may notice that these two tabs have no "bottom border" and stand out like a sore thumb. Step 2 we have posted a fix for this.

Step 2: To fix the bottom border issue with your tabs, go to "Styles & Templates / Style Manager / Style Vars / navbar_tab_bevel

Once you have searched for "navbar_tab_bevel, you now need to set the width to "0", and this will fix your bottom border on your tabs.

Again, this last step may not be something everyone needs to do, but in our case, we needed to.

We hope this helps everyone with the whole hover color issue!

04-09-2011, 09:37 PM
We're also getting the mysql error using this mod... anyone figure any way of fixing it yet?

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(535) : eval()'d code on line 153

06-01-2011, 04:31 AM
why this mod generates so many queries?

06-03-2011, 11:36 AM
Been looking for something like this for ages, cheers..

06-04-2011, 01:38 PM
I installed the entire upload file in the appropiate directories and the "product-evi_menus_2010.xml" in the main directory. Then I ran upgrade and upgraded my vbulletin to 4.1.3 as well. Where do I import and is it potentially there but I haven't open the right menu item in vbulletin. Please forward instructions for a newbie.

11-03-2011, 07:16 PM
Stupid question...how do I add my own links??

06-02-2013, 10:44 PM
can you please tel me how to make this mode to recognize non english characters ?
my site is in hebrew and i se the words as question marks ??????? ?????? ??
all my other mods working fine with all modes on my site
thanks bro

05-27-2014, 03:14 AM

Is there anyway to get links to open in the same window?

05-27-2014, 03:44 AM
If it had a "target" attribute, you would set it to "_self".

If you are running a recent version of vBulletin v4.2.1, v4.2.2, the navigational manager will do the same thing. :)