View Full Version : Should mods be removed before upgrade to VB4

01-04-2010, 10:07 AM
We currently have vBulletin Version 3.8.4 and other software/mods such as;

vBadvanced CMPS v3,
vBadvanced Dynamics,
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator,
Template Modification System,
Flashchat 4 Integration,
Ads Corner, etc.

Should any of the above software/mods be removed prior to installing vBulletin v4?
Thanks in advance! :)

01-04-2010, 10:52 AM
about all of them, cause vb4 uses a new code's to interact with the database and user.
so they most likely wont work.

mods such as BBcode which arent mods, will ofcourse always work.
admincp mods only also works, but as soon as they present something or make
a change for the user 95% wont work.

95% cause im using atleast 3 vb 3.8 mods on my board, that works and 1 3.5 mod.

But in short mods and styles from vb3 wont work for vb4, with a few exceptions.

So yes, remove them all. :D

01-04-2010, 02:34 PM
I would not remove a mod if it created new fields in the database for use with the mod. If you remove it, instead of just disabling it, then it will remove the fields and you will lose all the data.