View Full Version : Anyway to merge all users which have the same email account?

01-03-2010, 08:43 PM
I recently converted to SimpleMachines to Vbulletin, and during the Impex changeover made sure to associate users by email address. Nevertheless, I'm looking through my vbulletin user list and noticing that many emails can be found on more than one account (as on the SMF forum this was allowed).

Is there any easy method in VBulletin to "consolidate" accounts to ensure that there is only one account associated with each email address?

01-11-2010, 07:06 PM
For anyone finding this thread via search, the following SQL command will find all users who have the same email address:

SELECT username, user.email
FROM user

SELECT email
FROM user
GROUP BY email
HAVING COUNT( userid ) >1
)dup ON user.email = dup.email

Paul M
01-11-2010, 08:30 PM
A slightly simpler way would be this :)

SELECT username, email FROM user GROUP BY email HAVING COUNT(email) > 1