View Full Version : vbCMS section layout

01-03-2010, 12:23 PM
I can't seem to figure out how to set a layout for each section

I have deleted all pre-created sections, categories, layouts and grids to start from fresh and figure out how things work but i'm stuck at section layouts

By the way, additional sections that I have created are not appearing on front page, I guess because I can't set a layout for them?

can anyone point me in the right direction please


Edit, btw I did read http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/content.php?182-CMS-How-to-get-a-layout-like-vBulletin-com&langid=1

it says:

Select the New Layout for your Section:
Now, go back to CMS > Section Manger.... look at the Layout Column and select My New Layout. (Somehow I managed to change Content to 1x2 columns on there also. I don't know how I did that because I honestly cannot get any of those columns to change for those Sections except Published and Layout right now. And, evertime I try to change something there, the number under Subsections and Content goes up, up, up!!!)

problem is, I don't have a Layout Column there, see this screenshot http://i48.tinypic.com/kb6tzn.jpg

01-03-2010, 02:17 PM
That article was written way back in the beta days when you could change the layout in the admin cp. I should PM Wayne about letting me edit it because things were different back then. You should be reading Don's articles for help with the CMS - http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/content.php?45-documentation

Further questions about the default CMS should be asked at vb.com

01-04-2010, 02:27 AM
Thanks Lynne,
That article pretty much covers it all

P.S. this CMS really suck