View Full Version : So are these bugs or what?

01-02-2010, 06:28 AM
I'm new to vBulletin, just starting to figure things out, so correct me if I'm wrong, but...

In the user's profile, left-hand column, there appears a block called "Permissions Groups." Shouldn't this just be called "Groups" (or "Social Groups")? Permissions groups are something different. Does this need to be changed in the template. (Where?)

If you create a new Profile Field Category, the *description* of the category shows up on the user profile page, rather than the *title* of the category. Shouldn't the title show up, rather than the description?

Brother Malachi
01-02-2010, 07:39 AM
Hahah, good eye

01-02-2010, 03:34 PM
You should search the bug tracker on vb.com to see if these have been entered into the bug tracker. They will never see them posted over here on vb.org.