View Full Version : Social Group New Thread Width Problem

12-30-2009, 11:57 AM
I am using Lynne's Modification but when you go into the social groups to see a new thread it is half the width of a regular section. I want to make it wider like the default in vbulletins forum width.

See pic the first one is the section width and the second one is the social group one. I want to make it wider as it is so short in width from left to right. Well you might need to look at yours to see what I am talking about or look on mine: http://www.dvdnextcopysupportforum.com/forum.php

12-30-2009, 01:46 PM
You must ask for support in the modification thread, not out here in the main forums.

12-30-2009, 01:56 PM
I don't think it is your mod that's the issue but just need to modify the template to make the social group thread look wider that is why I posted it here. But I'll post there as well.