View Full Version : Content Manager /Sections

12-28-2009, 12:48 PM
When an article is created for the Home page it shows just fine. When creating sections under the Home Page, the article shows in the Home Page and in the new Section even after moving it to the new Section in the Content Manager. Is it supposed to still show on the Home Page also or am I omitting a step?


12-28-2009, 01:47 PM
In the Section Manager (Home > hover over section name > click pencil) will allow you to set whether you want to include only articles in that section or also in child/other sections.

12-28-2009, 06:36 PM
Sorry Lynne but I don't understand. Are you referring to the Section Manager in the ADMIN CP or on the Home Page itself? The only option on the Homepage is to select "include sub section content" which removes the entire home page article(Greeting) from the homepage. The only pencil that appears by hovering is on the Home Page. Regardless of what I do, I cannot get the article off of the homepage and strictly into the section where I want it. Is in both places. Perhaps if you break this down to my obvious 3rd grade level. In the first place, I think it idiotic that 4.0 is released with no manual!

Please look at my site at www.eastcarolinapredatorhunting.com and see what I mean. I have two sections and the articles on the sections are also on the homepage.

12-28-2009, 08:40 PM
I see no content at all on this page - http://www.eastcarolinapredatorhunting.com/

If you Uncheck the box to Display Content from Sub-Sections for your Home section, then you should end up with a list there of only articles that are then able to show up on that page. Is the article don't want to show up still on that list?

12-28-2009, 11:34 PM
If I uncheck the Display Content from Sub-Sections button within the Home editing window and select save, the sub-section articles disappear from the list showing only those that are not assigned a separate section. However, they still show on the Home Page as articles with the links to the sections showing a duplicate article when I refresh the page or log in again. I also tried clearing the CMS cache to no avail

You could not see the content on the page because of the permissions. I have them set now so that unregistered users can view the content. www.eastcarolinapredatorhunting.com

Thanks for helping if you can.

12-29-2009, 03:54 AM
If the articles are showing up and they should not be (since you unchecked the box), then you should be posting this as a bug over on vbulletin.com

12-30-2009, 06:53 PM
I contacted tech support and they are clueless as to how to correct the issue. This program should not have been released without documentation i.e., a Manual!