View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Moderate New Registrations Based On IP Geographical Origin
12-26-2009, 10:00 PM
This mod will put any new registration into moderation so you can either approve or deny based on the physical location of the IP address. If the IP is located in a country that you white list, the registration will go through as normal.
This may be different for everyone else, but on my forums, I have yet to have a Russian IP sign up for anything other than posting SPAM. This plugin has moderated them all!
I hope to have time to eventually expand this to do other things. This also works on 3.8.x.
You MUST download the zone files from this site:
The free license does not allow me to include them with the product, plus it is better to download the latest files anyway.
No real screenshots to show here, sorry.
Coded the routine in, instead of using external whois program.
Now compatible with Windows
(39 download of 1.0)2/11/2009
77 downloads at this point
Rewrote application to use zone files rather than relying on Arin12/27/2009
Verified it works for 4.0To upgrade, READ THE README, and re-install product (select overwrite).
Don't forget to:
Developed by a Lampwright (!
12-27-2009, 01:22 PM
12-27-2009, 02:43 PM
Downloaded..and installed.
Thank you so much.
12-27-2009, 05:52 PM
No problem.. It has eliminated 99.999% of spam on my forums.
Nice, tagged for now (until I go live with VB4). I'm having a problem lately worse than usual with spammers myself.
12-27-2009, 11:40 PM
What country codes did you exclude from moderation, may I ask? US only? Most of my good registrations are in the southeast region of North America
Silencer Groans
12-28-2009, 05:05 AM
Thank you so much
12-29-2009, 08:45 AM
What country codes did you exclude from moderation, may I ask? US only? Most of my good registrations are in the southeast region of North America
It depends on the forum but all of them have excluded US and Canada..
01-01-2010, 01:29 PM
Brilliant Mod!!
Thanks so much. This should make the process of controlling spam MUCH easier!
01-17-2010, 04:17 PM
it show for me
(You need to download zone files
If you see an error below, then you did not upload the zone files yet (see readme).)
i have upload the zones files ... I'm not sure what is the problem
also .. where can I find the mod moderation !!
01-17-2010, 05:07 PM
Hello Jafo232, you authorize me to translate this hack and distribute it on my site ?
01-18-2010, 11:47 AM
You need to re-read the directions Brother..
01-18-2010, 12:15 PM
You need to re-read the directions Brother..
I read but i need your authorization for translate and distribute your product on my site :)
01-26-2010, 11:45 AM
Thanks for this mod.
The user that registers get any warning about it? I mean, he knows that his registration is pending?
01-26-2010, 02:22 PM
They know when they login..
02-14-2010, 12:49 PM
Installing it today.
Know of any good way to scan the existing registration IPs with this database? I have a lot of suspect zero-post users that I'd like to weed out.
02-15-2010, 12:46 AM
I currently allow only several countries for registration. If I create database with all countries with all countries but these countries will this slow down site similar to large htaccess restrictions?
Thanks seems like greate idea!!!!
02-15-2010, 12:58 AM
I currently allow only several countries for registration. If I create database with all countries with all countries but these countries will this slow down site similar to large htaccess restrictions?
Thanks seems like greate idea!!!!
02-22-2010, 01:37 PM
This only functions during registration; not during normal forum use (like htaccess would). So I can't imagine any performance penalty.
I'm using it and it works exactly like it should. If the IP address is not from a specifically allowed country, the user ends up in the "Awaiting COPPA moderation" group and cannot post. They are still visible, so profile spam is still there, but that doesn't bother me as much as posted spam.
02-22-2010, 02:34 PM
You can modify the coppa group to not allow them to modify their profiles, etc., and that will eliminate the other spam too..
02-23-2010, 10:58 PM
I look at the profile fields to see if they're legit. And they generally aren't spamming in the profiles anyway. Just registering.
02-24-2010, 11:30 AM
Which message var does the user get? I'd like to edit it to explain how to become un-moderated.
03-17-2010, 01:14 PM
I run a local website, so only people in my community should be interested. I get tons of spammers trying to register daily, so this would be nice for me. But due to problems with a few locals (mainly one crazy who has registered repeatedly under different ips and names, 100+ times), I have all new registrations moderated anyway. It would be nice if registrations from countries I don't whitelist would just not go through at all. That way when I go through the list in moderation I won't have to sort through them at all. Is this possible? Or is this mod not useful to me since all registrations go into the moderation queue anyway?
03-17-2010, 02:04 PM
I run a local website, so only people in my community should be interested. I get tons of spammers trying to register daily, so this would be nice for me. But due to problems with a few locals (mainly one crazy who has registered repeatedly under different ips and names, 100+ times), I have all new registrations moderated anyway. It would be nice if registrations from countries I don't whitelist would just not go through at all. That way when I go through the list in moderation I won't have to sort through them at all. Is this possible? Or is this mod not useful to me since all registrations go into the moderation queue anyway?
Well you would have to modify the whois.php file a little I would think. I am not testing this at the moment, but this would probably work:
Find this code in whois.php:
if (!in_array($country, $valid_countries)) { $userdata->set('usergroupid', 4); }
Change to:
if (!in_array($country, $valid_countries)) { standard_error('Sorry, we are not allowing registrations from your country.'); }
03-17-2010, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the quick answer! I guess another option would be to create another usergroup and just have those not on the whitelist sent there, then I can just go in and delete them all periodically. Would that work?
03-17-2010, 02:31 PM
Yeah, you would have to change the 4 in the same code I referenced above to the user group ID# that you create, but otherwise, you can do that too.. Or you could set it for the banned user group. :)
03-19-2010, 11:47 AM
Is there a possibility to block the ip adresses in stead of moderating them.
So block the ip adres en moderate the others?
We have a small site and only want our members (about 400) to use the site.
03-19-2010, 12:10 PM
Is there a possibility to block the ip adresses in stead of moderating them.
So block the ip adres en moderate the others?
We have a small site and only want our members (about 400) to use the site.
I'm guessing you didn't take the time to read the previous posts.
03-21-2010, 06:14 PM
I uploaded plugins/zones to my vbulletin root directory.
I also uploaded whois.php inside the zones folder as well as all the .zone files.
In my VB4.0 login I go to Settings->Options and I do not see the "Country Moderation" option as it says in the instructions.
Please let me know if I am missing something
03-24-2010, 06:00 PM
I downloaded and installed. Just only one question:
How does this add-on know to sent the moderation email to which email address?
03-25-2010, 12:07 PM
I don't understand your question.. It places users in a moderated group (COPPA) where admins/mods can accept or reject them.
03-26-2010, 01:14 AM
I don't understand your question.. It places users in a moderated group (COPPA) where admins/mods can accept or reject them.
Thank you for your answer. I found it out in CP. I just was thinking I will receive an email, when someone goes automatically for moderation, but I saw, I can see it just in control panel.
04-02-2010, 08:02 AM
How can I add and IP address to "white list" like this: ?
In other words, how can I add a "array" of IP addresses that aren't knew by system?
04-11-2010, 11:08 AM
Seems new registrations aren't happening anymore with users getting a blank screen on this page after filling in all the registration info and hitting OK:
I'm sure this mod WAS working fine with 4.0.2 PL4 but has since given up the ghost.
As first I thought it was a vBulletin problem so I upgraded to 4.0.3, still no working. I then through it was the vbSEO I installed last week (3.0.5 RC3) so I uninstalled that, still no dice. Then I turned off the country mod and BAM, users can register again.
Re-installed vbSEO, still working.
Uninstalled Country Mod (rather than just disabled) - still working.
Re Installed Country Mod - Not working.
I have re-uploaded the zone files, I have re-uploaded the mod files - still not working
Disabled country mod - working again.
Is there a common fault here or is it just something I have done wrong?
(on a side note all of this DID happen on or about when I install vbSEO so I'm still thinking that's the problem, although technically by completely uninstalling it should have solved the problem... but it didn't)
04-12-2010, 03:48 AM
great mod ..............
Doctor Death
05-04-2010, 11:02 PM
In the options for this.... it says
Zone Files
You need to download zone files If you see an error below, then you did not upload the zone files yet (see readme).
Is that normal? I have the zone files installed.
05-08-2010, 06:14 PM
This pluguin is FANTASTIC my Forum has Spamers from China every Day.
It works perctly!
thank youuuuuu
05-08-2010, 06:51 PM
In Italy has milions of users and the plugin block this users...
Can I add one series of IP? (like 155.x.x.x)
In the options for this.... it says
Zone Files
You need to download zone files If you see an error below, then you did not upload the zone files yet (see readme).
Is that normal? I have the zone files installed.
I 2nd that. Intsalled following the readme but it doesnt work for me. Am I doing something wrong ?
I see the developer wasn?t responding here for quite a while. Can anyone confirm
what The_Hawk mentioned above ?
that this mod works with 4.0.3 ?
05-26-2010, 09:13 PM
I see the developer wasn?t responding here for quite a while. Can anyone confirm
what The_Hawk mentioned above ?
that this mod works with 4.0.3 ?
Not so much. With 4.0.3 PL1 it still seems to prevent anyone from registering at all. After filling in the registration details and hitting submit I just get a white page here: and nothing happens.
I'm still working my way through the other mods I have installed to see if there is a conflict, although nothing has come up yet.
VBSEO is updated to 3.5.0 Gold, and I have tried re-installing again today, still no dice. Does anyone have this working with 4.0.3 PL1?
EDIT: To confirm, I have now been through ALL of my mods and disabled everything and it still doesn't work so I'm not sure what's up here.
05-27-2010, 10:34 AM
I am using it on 4.0.3 with no issues, so I cannot speak to what is happening to "The Hawks" server. A blank screen is useless information. You have to look in your server log to find out WHAT the error is. It could be something as simple as not uploading the files properly.
Short answer, yes, it works for 4.0.3...
05-30-2010, 05:04 AM
You have to look in your server log to find out WHAT the error is.
No problems, been getting round to doing a little more digging, really should have just started in the logs, but then I'm very much still learning as I move along.
It seems it might just be as simple as an out of memory error:
[Thu May 27 09:58:58 2010] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 88 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 35, referer:
We absolutely have to move to a bigger better server VERY soon anyway, so hopefully that will fix this problem too.
05-30-2010, 03:52 PM
Your memory_limit setting in your php.ini file is rather low (32 Megabytes). If you bump that up and restart apache, the issue will most likely go away. I would try 64M.
05-31-2010, 04:25 AM
Your memory_limit setting in your php.ini file is rather low (32 Megabytes). If you bump that up and restart apache, the issue will most likely go away. I would try 64M.
Many thanks, that did the trick and it all seems to be working under 4.0.3 PL1 here now :D
07-11-2010, 11:46 PM
Wouldn't it be much better to have a field for countries we want to moderate as opposed to a field for countries we don't? (or have both?)
I mean I would like to moderate Russia and China only. So I am not going to spend 3 hours listing the country code for the other 200 countries I want to let through.
I know I can't do a better job and that I shouldn't complain about free stuff but I think it is logical.
Basically we have two fields....
Field 1 : Countries to let through without moderation
Field 2 : Countries to moderate
You leave field 1 blank let through without moderation all countries aside from the ones in field 2.
07-12-2010, 11:51 AM
There are modifications that do this, read the entire thread..
07-12-2010, 05:27 PM
I did read the whole thread and I read it again cannot see anything related to what I suggested.
07-12-2010, 05:32 PM
It makes no sense to have the two fields you suggest. If you have a field to let users through without moderation that is the same as creating a white list. The second list does the same exact thing.
I guess you did not look hard tho:
07-12-2010, 05:38 PM
I am not talking about a whitelist. I am talking about a black list.
There are roughly 200 countries in the world. I want to black list 2 of those countries..... Russia and China. Under the current system that requires me to manually whitelist 198 countries. If instead there was was blacklist field I would simply have to blacklist 2 countries.
07-12-2010, 05:43 PM
if (!in_array($country, $valid_countries)) { $userdata->set('usergroupid', 4); }
if (in_array($country, $valid_countries)) { $userdata->set('usergroupid', 4); }
There, you now have a blacklist..
07-12-2010, 06:16 PM
Ok i amde the change and it worked perfectly. Thanks for that.
07-23-2010, 04:07 PM
I am seeing exactly the same with no info why in the logs.
Mod is disabled for now.
Seems new registrations aren't happening anymore with users getting a blank screen on this page after filling in all the registration info and hitting OK:
I'm sure this mod WAS working fine with 4.0.2 PL4 but has since given up the ghost.
As first I thought it was a vBulletin problem so I upgraded to 4.0.3, still no working. I then through it was the vbSEO I installed last week (3.0.5 RC3) so I uninstalled that, still no dice. Then I turned off the country mod and BAM, users can register again.
Re-installed vbSEO, still working.
Uninstalled Country Mod (rather than just disabled) - still working.
Re Installed Country Mod - Not working.
I have re-uploaded the zone files, I have re-uploaded the mod files - still not working
Disabled country mod - working again.
Is there a common fault here or is it just something I have done wrong?
(on a side note all of this DID happen on or about when I install vbSEO so I'm still thinking that's the problem, although technically by completely uninstalling it should have solved the problem... but it didn't)
07-23-2010, 05:08 PM
Mine works fine on 4.0.3
07-23-2010, 09:17 PM
I am seeing exactly the same with no info why in the logs.
Mod is disabled for now.
As below, my problem was showing in the logs and was a memory out issue, still seems to be going well, no issues since more RAM was allocated :)
Your memory_limit setting in your php.ini file is rather low (32 Megabytes). If you bump that up and restart apache, the issue will most likely go away. I would try 64M.
Many thanks, that did the trick and it all seems to be working under 4.0.3 PL1 here now :D
11-09-2010, 03:45 PM
While uploading I was watching someone from China trying to register. Not anymore, Thank you very much.. Installed and working on 4.0.8
11-11-2010, 04:37 AM
doesnt work for me on 4.08.
Uploaded the all the zone files into plugins/zones and it still says I need to download the zone files.
12-22-2010, 07:30 AM
Will this work in 4.1?
12-22-2010, 06:21 PM
I'm running 4.1.0 PL2 and it's ticking along fine.
12-24-2010, 05:10 PM
This mod is exactly what I have been looking for. I made the change shown in post #51 to make it more of a blacklist (CN,RU,PK). If you do any further development it would be cool to provide a switch in the options to make it either a whitelist or blacklist. It appears to work just fine with VB 4.0.8. Hopefully this will eliminate the flood of spam registrations I have been getting from Pakistan lately.
12-24-2010, 05:12 PM
doesnt work for me on 4.08.
Uploaded the all the zone files into plugins/zones and it still says I need to download the zone files.
Are you sure it isn't working? I think it always says you need to install the zone files, but says you will see an error below if they aren't.
01-10-2011, 05:45 AM
I love this mod and have recommended it to other vBB forum admins I know!
Strangely, they ALSO love this mod!
One thing I would like to see though...
I'd like it to auto accept IP's on the whitelist [which it presently does], REFUSE IP's on the black list and moderate everything else... :)
This would allow me to crack the whatsits with Russia and the Ukraine, but still moderate everything else.
But again - love the mod - tis excellent :)
02-01-2011, 11:49 PM
Hi, I'm currently running 4.0.7
I have the plugins/zones folder (with all .zone files added) set in my vbulletin root folder. I get the error message saying I didn't upload the zone files. I have read the readme and followed the directions to a T. Does this version not work on 4.0.7?
03-05-2011, 03:00 PM
installed in 4.1.2 and see the same error
Zone Files
You need to download zone files
06-19-2011, 01:28 PM
Tested this on 4.0.8 and my test registration was moderated despite me being on a major USA based ISP... and US was white listed.
11-07-2011, 12:06 PM
Same at 4.1.7. Test registration from different IPs were all moderated despite being on IPs in whitelisted zones.
11-07-2011, 12:16 PM
That's because this doesn't work with 4.x.
11-07-2011, 08:06 PM
That's because this doesn't work with 4.x.
I have been running this since vB4 was released and haven't noticed any issues, even on 4.1.7 PL2 I'm running now.
I have already cleaned the queue today, but a very quick flick through the logs and the usernames all look to be what I expect. I'll keep an eye on it, but it all looks good for me.
I have just updated the zones list today so will see if that makes any difference. It's a great mod, something I couldn't do without anymore!
Doctor Death
01-25-2012, 10:16 PM
I guess this mod is non-functional in 4.1.10. Too bad.
01-25-2012, 10:40 PM
I guess this mod is non-functional in 4.1.10. Too bad.
Was it working for you before? I'm yet to update from 4.1.9 (where it's still working perfectly), although should get a chance in the next few days and hoping it keeps working :S
01-29-2012, 10:46 PM
So do you have to moderate each new member or if they are on the white list it does it automatically?
01-29-2012, 10:58 PM
What an ingenious mod! I cannot believe this isn't part of vbulletin from the get go. Brilliant!
Now just waiting for this to be confirmed working on vb4 "" ?
01-29-2012, 11:28 PM
Got it up on 4.1.10 and I think it's working. No real way to test it though.
01-31-2012, 10:33 PM
Is this mod going to be upgraded to work on 4.1.**? I hope so .....
The daily grind :)
Every day I have to delete delete delete and all from the same regions!
I ban IP's but still have trouble!
Even gone to the extent of moderating ALL new users .... frustrating for me and genuine users!
Sound familiar?
02-09-2012, 02:39 AM
Is this mod going to be upgraded to work on 4.1.**? I hope so .....
The daily grind :)
Every day I have to delete delete delete and all from the same regions!
I ban IP's but still have trouble!
Even gone to the extent of moderating ALL new users .... frustrating for me and genuine users!
Sound familiar?
This mod is excellent. I have it running on 4.1.7 fine. I used to upgrade my vb4 everytime a new version was released but no more. Wait some time in between the versions.
I also ask questions only my industry will know at registration time. This filters 99% of all BS users and spam. It keeps your forum clean and level of content high. The bots figure my questions out eventually (about a week) and then I change my question/answer.
02-09-2012, 08:07 AM
do you put the whois.php into the zones folder or leave it in the plugin folder???? 5 stars and voted 4 motm someone please awnser this question asap!!!
03-10-2012, 10:38 AM
This used to be a fantastic little plugin stopping ALL spam by restricting certain country IP's, however, just re-installed it since our upgrade to 4.1.10 and it no longer seems to be working properly, or at least causing registration problems...
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/plugins/whois.php on line 33
...when's its disabled registrations work again, anyone got any ideas?
03-10-2012, 01:55 PM
It's probably that the data file containing the geographic data for all the ip addresses has gotten bigger and now you don't have enough memory in php to open it.
What is the PHP Memory Limit as reported on the main page of your Admin CP?
If it's low you should try upping it to at least 64 MB or more.
03-11-2012, 09:06 AM
Increased to 128m and all working again, many thanks.
03-12-2012, 03:33 PM
I've been doing this manually, thank you for this mod makes my life so much easier :)
03-21-2012, 02:30 PM
Got it up on 4.1.10 and I think it's working. No real way to test it though.
How did you got it working i have uploaded the zones and exactly follow the setups but having same result
You did not enter a valid value for this setting.
please assist any help will be greatly appreciated.
04-05-2012, 08:57 AM
Not installed but great mod.
05-31-2012, 01:12 PM
Would like to see this modified so that it auto-deletes (possibly as an option) new registrations from specified country IPs.
06-18-2012, 04:54 PM
Just got a new member from China this morning so I installed this for 4.2.PL1. Waiting for next new overseas member to see how this works
Trying to limit members from China as I've been getting a lot of spam from there recently.
I set it to moderate US and set up a new user. It properly sent the new user registration to moderation which I then denied.
Works great!
06-18-2012, 09:24 PM
It doesnt seem to be working with 4.2. I registered from the US and it still moderated. Also it always says to download the zone files.
06-19-2012, 03:26 PM
It doesnt seem to be working with 4.2. I registered from the US and it still moderated. Also it always says to download the zone files.
The last option setting says:
"You need to download zone files If you see an error below, then you did not upload the zone files yet (see readme)."
Is that what you mean? I think the first part (in blue) is just a reminder. I think it's ok if there is no error message below the setting.
07-20-2012, 02:27 AM
Had this installed since on vb 4.0 and still working on vb4.2
and I absolutely love it!!! No spammers register all all now - one or two may have slipped in from the USA but combined with moderating the first 3 posts from a new user none slip in .... and no SPAMMERS!!!
thank you!!!
07-26-2012, 06:50 PM
USA IPs are showing up as China, thus being blocked. Since installed no new registrations, but a lot of complaints of unable to register.
vB 4.2.0 PL 2
US is on the whitelist. Files are current
10-14-2012, 01:13 PM
Great mod, working great on 4.2 pl2 doesn't miss a beat!!
What I'd love to see included is a country blacklist - not able to register at all, at least have the option to moderate or deny other countries.
10-19-2012, 09:04 PM
I had this working in 4.1.19 for some reason it fell over after the upgrade to 4.2.x. I don't know if the spammers got smarter or what.
I've spent some time today re-installing it with the latest zone files to see what happens. Fingers crossed because this really was the best defence against spam I have ever used.
10-20-2012, 02:45 AM
I should add that I also have this hack installed which provides a notification like new PM's and allows SuperMods to take action (instead of just admin). The other bonus is that there is a "BAN" button rather than just a deleting the ones you don't want (which means the spammers can just reuse those email addresses again).
Problem is that this mod only works if you turn on moderation for ALL users… What I wanted to do was make the option appear in the ModCP WITHOUT turning on the "Moderate New Members" option.
To fix this problem I found that editing the xml install file and the user_moderation.php file removing the references to $vbulletin->options['moderatenewmembers'] means this little hack doesn't check to see if the moderate new members flag is on, but still checks everything else and still only allows supermods access. (which is exactly what I want).
While I understand this isn't supported by the creator (Mosh), it's only a minor mod and is easy enough to reverse if ever needed.
10-20-2012, 12:32 PM
So if I block for instance all users from Russia. Will those ip addresses never change?
Like you block:
Is there a chance that ip address will be used by an other country in the future?
10-20-2012, 10:43 PM
I don't know enough to answer that question for you.... BUT, if you update the zones files every now and again you should be good :)
03-11-2013, 04:56 AM
I have been having massive issues as it seems that the list on the website:
doesn't include a bunch of ranges that I know are valid in Australia.
I used to get maybe one or two false positives a week, not it's more like three or four per day... sometimes more.
In any case at the moment I have added a new zone file which I grabbed from here (for Australian in my case):
I have then added the new XX domain to the "IP address exclusions" list in vBulletin which *should* now add those addresses to the exclusion list.
Now I KNOW that there is going to be cross over between my new XX zone and the original list from ipdeny. Hopefully this doesn't cause any issues... although I suppose we will see soon enough.
Fingers crossed it helps things.
09-19-2013, 12:12 PM
Any plans to release this for vbulletin 5 connect?
09-20-2013, 03:33 PM
I've been running this on my 3.8 board for a LONG time and it has been fantastic. I just started a new site running the latest version of VB4. This installed fine and all the zone files are uploaded. US and CA are excluded but ALL new registrations are going to the moderation que. I've seen other reports of this same problem in this thread but have seen no answers as to why or how to correct it. Anybody know?
10-27-2013, 07:31 PM doesn't seem to have a working download for "all" zone files. I have tried multiple times yesterday and today to download the GZ file, and it seems to download properly but has a file size of 0 bytes and contains no data. Tried on both Mac and PC with no luck.
10-30-2013, 03:51 AM
Even downloading them individually gives 0kb results in many cases. It's had issues for a couple of months now :(
10-30-2013, 04:53 AM
Even downloading them individually gives 0kb results in many cases. It's had issues for a couple of months now :(
noticed the files from are messed up
12-07-2013, 11:47 PM
I'm using vbulletin 4.2.2. I can't open this file all-zones.tar.gz, it says archive is damaged, what now?
12-08-2013, 12:43 AM
Try this -unzip then ftp into zones directory .....
12-08-2013, 01:05 AM
Thanks, rotor but your zone files are from almost 2 years ago.
The archives on the site have been messed up for a while now.
These zone files are more recent than the ones rotor posted (May 2013) but they are still out of date by now - see attached.
12-08-2013, 12:52 PM
Thanks guys a lot!
12-09-2013, 08:17 PM
Does anyone know of an alternative source of this information?
At the moment I get thousands of spam registrations per week with a very ow false positive rate using the old (now out of date) zone files, but I figure a time will come soon enough when it no longer works for me.
Plan B: Is there an alternative option to cut down on dodgy registrations that people can recommend?
12-10-2013, 06:42 AM
Plan B: Is there an alternative option to cut down on dodgy registrations that people can recommend?
I liked this MOD also but without the files it is not very helpful.
For now I added the ip's from the countries I want to block in my htaccess file.
There are some sites where you can generate the IP list per country:
12-12-2013, 12:14 AM
Thanks for those, I has a few similar sources, but those are another two :)
There is no reason why you can't use those to generate your own zone files. As it is you only really need to keep the zone files up to date for countries you DONT want to filter out... Even then it's only for registration. So worst case some people need to be manually allowed through later.
Blocking at the .htaccess level means that no one from those locations can get any access, I don't see that as a viable solution.
03-19-2014, 09:32 PM
Any chance this will be updated for vB 5.1?
08-04-2015, 01:26 PM
Thanks working on vb 4.23 zones list still available
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