View Full Version : vB4: Integration of Board into main Website

12-25-2009, 08:24 PM
Greetings fellow vBulletin-user! Thanks for reading my thread!

To give you a clear view of my intensions, I am going to show you a little source of inspiration and a good example of what I am trying to achieve:
d3armory.com (http://www.d3armory.com/forums)

On the above example you can see how smoothly the forums are integrated into the website. I would like to achieve a similar thing. Is this.. possible? If it is, where would I start? If it's not, what would be the best work around to create a similar effect?
I'd like to move the User Panel out of the forums, and place it onto my own website (own interface, vb's functions).

Last question, I never really integrated a forum or anything alike before, so therefor I am asking here. In the above example, is the forum integrated in a way with include() or could it be achieved with a thing called <IFRAME> as well?

I greatly appreciate any given comment, and ofcourse, I appreciate the time you have taken to read my thread.

Cheers and a Merry Christmas to you!


ps. you might want to check out my other topic related to this project:
vB4: Multiple Boards, One account. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1938181#post1938181)

12-25-2009, 08:31 PM
Start by checking out this forum. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=242

Lots of great information to get you starting making your website run smoothly together.

01-03-2010, 06:57 PM
Well, I want to -INTEGRATE- (include?) the forums in my homepage, not adding a header to the forums engine, no the reverse!

01-04-2010, 03:51 AM
cool, look forward to the answer/suggestions

01-04-2010, 05:17 AM
Well, I want to -INTEGRATE- (include?) the forums in my homepage, not adding a header to the forums engine, no the reverse!

Sorry for being lazy. Someone around here has a mod that will Integrate with a SINGLE Wordpress install -- BUT WILL NOT EVER WORK w/ WordpressMU

On the other hand, if you want a major forum for vB, you could have minor forums for blogs w/ SimplMachines Forum, from what I understand they intigrate nicely --but not with vB -- so you could host WordpressMU and forums other than bbPress... on each blog

vB = One wordpress Blog as a front end.... unless a wizard appears

01-04-2010, 03:51 PM
Well, I want to -INTEGRATE- (include?) the forums in my homepage, not adding a header to the forums engine, no the reverse!

the link you gave goes straight to forums, not to "home"

heres their home page

forums page


got to say I love they way theirt forum page looks :up: