View Full Version : Suggestion to all new customers

12-24-2009, 09:47 PM
Suggestion to all new customers
Do not buy anything from vbulletin - you will be disappointed for your money!

Before i buy license for forum and also buy separate license for vbblog! Both is active today!
Today i use vb 3.8.4 and vbblog 2.0.2 -
can upgrade my forum to vb4 - but will lose about 1000 posts and articles from vbblog 2.0.2 or i can buy "suite" and continue use my blog- but i will not buy suite and i do not need CMS - will never use it!
I some customer can not make choice today what i want to buy or renew licenses!

That is shame - wrote to support about that and get answer - will copy:
We are no longer offering the blog as a separate product. If you'd like to use the blog with vBulletin 4 you'll need to purchase a 4.0 license.
But when i buy it was separate product and it was not 10 years before - (it was 1.5 year before). Nobody said that in future maybe it will not be separate product - they needed money in that time ... and today is same - no honesty no honor ...
will my money back (blog money) and will never never buy suite license!

Today i can download vb4 and upgrade my board - but will lose blog entries, pictures, posts and articles (more then 1000).
I can renew my license to vb (one year more), and still have same effect or problem. That mean that i must buy suite!!! My answer - Never!
Seller should not press me what i must buy - it is customer choice! It is human and honesty!
Because of that - recommended to all - buy nothing, because maybe in future you will also get answer like i today!



12-24-2009, 11:42 PM
i think you must ask about your situation before buy a licence...

my opinion is your error is yours

12-25-2009, 12:54 AM
I know its sour buddy but .. vBulletin has new policy.

12-25-2009, 12:59 AM
Yes i know - that is robbery policy!


12-25-2009, 12:38 PM
This is so old it really wasn't worth the time to make this post. Most users that were upset are running vb4 now.

12-25-2009, 02:21 PM
because maybe in future you will also get answer like i today!

Agreed my friend! :up:

12-25-2009, 03:49 PM
Point is that we users or customers can not get chance to renew vb3 licenses, for some another prices! But inestead we are pressed to purchase new products if we want that our products still works, and that is robbery and against law.

If i want go to store and buy windows xp - nobody can press me that i must buy windows 7 or windows vista or that i must buy throught license agreement from different product! And i do not care who is owner of store, or say to me that my windows xp will not work if i do not buy windows 7!

That is shame for vbulletin and against all customer rights!

Do not buy this throught this robbery policy!


12-25-2009, 04:09 PM
You're not the only one that feels left out and shafted by vBulletin Solutions new licensing structure, but before I take a side, was your license active and current? I really feel for the people who had a active and current license with the forum and blog and are taking the shaft like they are. If you've let your license expire and lapse then really it's a moot point imo as you wouldn't have got the upgrade any way.

But this has all been beat into the ground numerous times before on many different sites and topics.

12-25-2009, 04:13 PM
Yes, both my licenses is active today - and i buy and paid (renewed) both like separate products!
Problem is that people (customers) did not see that robbery from vbulletin side ...


12-25-2009, 04:31 PM
Considering your inability to read your Blog licensing Agreement, you probably haven't read this thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=225368

and, did your exact copy/paste of this thread on vbulletin.com get deleted, so you started it again here, and there (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?333359-Robbery-from-vbulletin)?

12-25-2009, 08:23 PM
No one is forcing you to upgrade to 4.0. You are welcome to stay at 3.8 and still run your forums and blog with out problems.

When Microsoft comes out with new software do they give the people that paid for windows xp a free copy of vista? If you paid for office 98 do you receive office 2000 free?

My suggestion is stay where your at with your site it seems to run fine just the way it is.

12-25-2009, 08:44 PM
Yes you have right ..and i will not upgrade my site to vb4 .. because i will lose my blog ...but nobody can press me that i must purchase new product to renew my license for vb3 - that is problem! (i have no chance to renew my vb3 license - i must purchase new product or purchase suite to get my blog works)



12-25-2009, 09:14 PM
Yes you have right ..and i will not upgrade my site to vb4 .. because i will lose my blog ...but nobody can press me that i must purchase new product to renew my license for vb3 - that is problem! (i have no chance to renew my vb3 license - i must purchase new product or purchase suite to get my blog works)



Your right you have no chance to renew your licence for 3.8 as there is going to be no more 3.8 releases soon, except for security fixes.
Your more then welcome to keep your 3.8 if you have a owned license. If you have a leased license you will have to upgrade to 4.0 forum license wise but you can still keep running 3.8.
You had the option back when you assumed your licence to go leased or owned.

They can't renew a license to something they will discontinue support on in the future.

Again Would you buy a car if the parts was going to stop being made soon? Once it broke or breaks wore out there would be nothing you can do. It would be fairly unethical to sell something you are not going to support.

If I was you I would contact them and double check what I said above Or you can just give in and pay the suit price and disable the CMS and use blog and forums.

I am not trying to take vBulletins side here but you have to see it from there side too.

I am upset a few things didn't go my way in 4.0 but hey we all have options of going with other software we choose to stay with vBulletin for some reason.

P.S. All new customers will not have this problem as they have to buy a 4.0 licence.

12-25-2009, 09:33 PM
If i want go to store and buy windows xp - nobody can press me that i must buy windows 7 or windows vista...

This is too funny.. XP is in very limited production now and some SKUs are not even available. Try to go buy a supported Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows98, Windows2000, or WindowsME install CD.

At least with vBulletin, you can buy the 4.x license and still get support on your 3.8.x install. Try buying Windows 7 and asking for XP support.

Yeah, the changeover from 3.x to 4.x could have gone smoother, and yeah, there are some issues, but right now with your rants, unfortunately you are the one that looks like the fool.

As far as vB goes, I just upgraded to the Suite, disabled the CMS by using a third-party plug in. The blogs are there, but then I decided to disabled them to (which was very easy to do with a couple clicks in the AdminCP.)

12-25-2009, 09:37 PM
Yes , but they should make option for us who purchased before two separate products and paid for that ...

now i have two active license - and paid for them ... now i must purchase new products (which i will never use) to keep my vb3 and vbblog - that is not honesty and that is robbery!



12-25-2009, 09:47 PM
As I said you are the one who bought a leased licence. You should of bought the owned licence.

So yes you have to renew it. They no longer offer the 3.8 licence. You have to buy 4.0 but you can still run your 3.8 software. You are the one who signed a yearly contract. When its up you must sign a new one and it may have new terms. That goes with any contract.

When you sign a yearly lease and you renew the following year your rent could go up. Either sign the new contract/lease pay a few more dollars or you move to a new place, in this case new software.

90% of the complaints of these new licence terms are user error not vBulletin.

12-26-2009, 09:46 AM
You do not understand ...

Nobody can change original sales agreement, (between seller and buyer), it is against law and that make vbulletin, not users!



12-26-2009, 01:42 PM
Not on a current signed contract no. Unless there is a clause saying they can.

But when that contract expires and you sign a new one terms can change from the previous contract. Its up to you to agree and sign it or not.

You should be discussing this with vbulletin.com not here on vbulletin.org

12-26-2009, 02:10 PM
You do not understand ...

Nobody can change original sales agreement, (between seller and buyer), it is against law and that make vbulletin, not users!


Wrong again.

vBulletin Solutions reserves the right to change or add to the terms of this Agreement at any time (including but not limited to Internet-based Solutions, pricing, technical support options, and other product-related policies), and to change, discontinue or impose conditions on any feature or aspect of the Software, or any Internet-based Solutions provided to you or made available to you through use of the Software. Such changes will be effective upon notification by any means reasonable to give you actual or constructive notice including by posting such terms on the vBulletin.com website, or another website designated by vBulletin Solutions. Your continued use of the Software will indicate your agreement to any such change.

12-26-2009, 04:07 PM
Thread Closed as we are now onto discussing licensing issues which are not to be discussed here on vb.org. Please go to vb.com for that sort of discussion. Please see this notice - Discussions on vBulletin 4 and licensing (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=225368)