View Full Version : Import Database

12-22-2009, 10:45 AM
Hello Community,

Some one can tell me how to export / import user from phpMyAdmin?

My VBulletin Database have much bugs. uncountable.
for example -> Everytime if i want to edit a user the following code is coming

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Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.8.4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT title, usergroupid FROM vb_usergroup WHERE usergroupid IN (2,n) ORDER BY title;

MySQL-Fehler : Unknown column 'n' in 'where clause'
Fehler-Nr. : 1054
Fehler-Zeit : Wednesday, 03.12.2009 @ 19:29:48
Datum : Wednesday, 03.12.2009 @ 19:29:48
Skript : http://mein-forum.de/user.php?do=edit&u=552
Referrer : http://mein-forum.de/admincp/index.p...edit%26u%3D552
IP-Adresse : xx.xxx.xx.xxx
Benutzername : Chef
Klassenname : vB_Database
MySQL-Version : 5.1.37

now i wanted to ask, if it possible du import the threads, posts und users to a new installed database?
How? That i install vbulletin again. new. on a new database and after the installation i will import the old topics, posts and users. it it possible?

Thanks for your support.

I hope you can understand me. My English is Terrable

12-22-2009, 11:31 AM
do NOT import anything at this point.

im guessing your issue is a old hack that wasnt uninstalled correctly or you failed to remove the xml file for that hack, have you verified that you removed any xml file that you no longer use in the /includes/xml directory?

also in config.php, add this on the 2nd line and save it to the server, then try editing a user.
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

12-23-2009, 07:10 AM
I deactivated the Plugin&Hook System via the Admin Panel and the config.php.
I uploaded in a subfolder all Vbulletin files again. And I copied the Database. And in the config i wrote the 2nd database.
The mainforum continues on the first database.
There are 2 Databases now.
Both Databases have Bugs cause it's the same database.
The Files in the FTP are brandnew, untouched - without any addons.
And the errors are continued.
The Error have to be somewhere in the Database or not?
I don't find any misstakes.
Could somebody help me?

Please. Thanks for the Support.

12-23-2009, 10:54 AM
What hacks have you installed in the past or now that relate to the usergroups?

It appears that you have a invalid usergroup title or setting for usergroups, starting with 2 which is the administrator group.