View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Show Customized Options in adminCP

12-20-2009, 10:00 PM
When editing your settings inside vBulletin Options, this little tweak will remind you of which options were edited/customized:

you can see the orange indicator right to the setting title, it indicate that the setting is using a different value than the original one.

This can not be done without a file edit, so you are warned... make a backup of that file before editing it.

The text file attached is the HowTo... save it for further actions, you will need it each time you update vBulletin.

12-31-2010, 04:55 AM
This is REALLY nice. I just tripped across this MOD and when the screenprint would not load I D/L'd it and tried it out.(only 1 tiny file edit) Works like a charm on vB3.8.6PL1 THANXX!

I've attached my own screenprint of what this MOD does in the AdminCP, just so others can see for themselves.(i.e. adds * customized just to right of each option that has been modified) Just makes it easier to SEE exactly which Options you have changed in the AdminCP.