View Full Version : Execution order and navtab_ hooks?

steven s
12-21-2009, 06:52 PM
I've been trying to position my New Tab in the nav bar using one of the mods here.

Home - New Tab - Forum - What's New - Gallery - Classifieds

I understand there is

And there is an execution order.
First, why are execution orders generally set to 5?

I've tried navtab_start and navtab_middle with different execution orders.
I can change the position, but never get it to where I want.
Is it even possible to have my New Tab between Home and Forum using a plugin?

Paul M
12-21-2009, 06:59 PM
No one uses execution order, so it always defaults to 5.

All it does it determine what order two plugins on the same hook will run, it cannot alter the order hooks are processed.