View Full Version : Forum Advertising

12-15-2009, 03:23 PM
Anyone else having trouble with this/.....

My problem Is I want the banners to only show in certain sponsored forums so I create the ad for it to show below navbar , got my html in there.

Active yes

only box I check is the one that says Display this ad if.....

User is browsing forum- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

and then go to forum to check....and nothing..... now if I uncheck all the boxes it will show globally on every page, but I don't want that....


12-16-2009, 09:09 PM
Man nobody else is having problems?:mad:

01-16-2010, 04:24 AM
Yes, I too am having this problem. Even after the 4.0.1 upgrade.

01-16-2010, 12:00 PM
Yup - add one to the list. I can't post an advertisement in a single forum - it simply won't show up. So far:

1. Global (Header 1 & 2)
2. Global (Under Navbar)
3. Global (Footer)
4. Forums (only ALL forums)

I haven't been able to create them for a single forum.

01-17-2010, 12:44 PM
Stay tuned...

I did this a couple of days ago and it works perfect; however, I'm not where I can post the code right now but I shall post it tomorow morning.


--------------- Added 1263745587 at 1263745587 ---------------

Had to stop by work, It's amazing what you do to keep a job today.

Use the GLOBAL Ad Page

Here's the code:

<vb:if condition="$GLOBALS[forumid]==X">
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.to_advertiser.com">
<img src="http://www.banner_location.com/vbn/banner_x.gif" width="xxx" height="xxx" border="0" alt="info about banner" align="center">

X = the number of the forumid, fill in the rest with your links, locations and data.

Just add other with different forumid numbers to the file. If you want to show a banner on the main index page use <1

Hope that helps.


01-19-2010, 06:34 AM
So help me out just a tiny bit - I post this little bit of code in the banner ad box with the link to my banner? I'm a complete newbie when programming, but if I simply toss this in the box, and I can display the ad in a single forum, I'd be stoked!!

Thank you.

Edit - it almost worked like a charm.

I found that, as written, the banner didn't want to center. I went in and added a <div align="center"> at the beginning, and a </div> just before the </vb:if> tags, and all was well. I'm not sure if that screws anything up, but it seemed to work for me. Now to find a way to place 5 different banners in rotation in that particular forum.