View Full Version : What about a QUIZ Plugin for Educational Questions?

12-13-2009, 02:27 PM
Is there a plugin to create a quiz and then it will automatically place the answers into a thread? I saw one made back in 2005 but it would be cool to have a plugin like this, especially for vb 4.0

If there isnt any, I would be willing to hire someone too.

12-14-2009, 10:34 PM
Anyone? =/

12-14-2009, 11:27 PM
voted for this product.

12-18-2009, 04:48 PM
truthfully I have been looking for decent quiz software for my vBulletin forum since v3.8 and haven't found any worthy enough to install.

So, my determined self found a nice alternative that isn't awesome but pretty good and acceptable for now.

I use a product called wondershare quiz creator and it outputs a .swf file (flash) and then I used the AME product that would let me integrate it into a forum message.

Of course two issues exist.
1.) AME doesn't have a compatible version for vb4 yet nor have I found anything that will work with embedding flash in vb4 yet.

2.) Wondershare Quiz Creator isn't free but the advantage to the product is it allows you to import and export your quiz into excel if you want as well as creating it in Flash allows you to email the quiz to someone if you want.

01-27-2010, 09:24 AM
I'm working on one right now, as some members of my site, asked for it.


03-02-2010, 01:45 AM
waiting for this mod

12-18-2010, 05:23 PM
Bump. Critical need. VB4

12-18-2010, 05:37 PM
I'm working on one right now, as some members of my site, asked for it.


waiting for this mod

Bump. Critical need. VB4

Maria ^ has some health issues she's been working through so I imagine she never intended to post that then not follow through.. heck even I'm guilty of that on occasion when things get busy aren't we all lol?!

Long story short I posted a reply here:

I would contact the OP who mentioned it was being re-written and ask their status, see what is said :D.