View Full Version : VBCMS Content & layout ideas (wish list)

12-12-2009, 11:05 PM
Before I start I want to make this thread so that people can get ideas about how to make new things for the CMS only. This is just about ideas and concepts, please add your own and see if we can inspire some folk. Unfortunately I'm not a coder, so for me this is probably a wish list, but I want to help out any way I can.

So vbCMS at the moment works like a blog, there is not much else to it. Your content is linked by either the section, category or tag. Which is great if you have blog, but if you wanted to run things a little bit more complicated then it starts to become difficult to produce the right result.

Over at www.ign.com/ they have just put up a new set of styles, yes, they are probably hand coded by some whiz kid but it did get me wondering about if some of this stuff can be done on vb.

So I'll break it down into categories.
Headers - if you move from ps3 to 360 then the headers change. This is possible in the forums if you force a style to that forum. But can this happen from section to section in the CMS?

Content Rotators
As you can see with IGN they have a very advanced content rotator that is must be pulling people though the site quite effectively - there are plenty on joomla and wordpress but can the vbCMS deal with one of these? I guess if it is written as a HTML widget - but that would be a royal pain in the butt to update daily.

Content within content
Back to IGN again. If you look at the 'top games out now' section of the front page (right hand side) and click on a game title if brings you to page that is all about that one game. So a database collection of material all in one space, including tabs at the top to go to the review etc and the main part of that page is dedicated to game highlights (probably picked from content in the CMS).

It seems like IGN has a lot of Ajax stuff going on (which I really like) so I also wish for more of that with the CMS I think.

I have a million more ideas but I'll let other people speak now lol.
Please put down some things that you have seen and like.