View Full Version : PayPal and Donate Button on vBulletin Forum

12-12-2009, 02:08 AM

I was wondering if anyone here has the "PayPal Donate" button on their forum?

Also I have a single PayPal Premier account, which is my personal account with all of my details and home address.

If I used this account to accept donations, will they see all of my personal information such as my personal e-mail address I use to log into paypal with, my full name and possibly my address or is there a way to create a new "alias" inside that account? So instead of seeing:

" You just sent $ to "my real name" "my personal e-mail address""

they will see:

" You just sent $ to "website name" "website contact e-mail address"?

I don't know how to go about it, and I don't really want people to have access to my personal details and address because that can be dangerous.


12-12-2009, 03:12 AM
I just set up a separate account. my primary personal paypal account and a separate account for my forums, with only the information i was willing to share.

12-12-2009, 06:47 AM
I just set up a separate account. my primary personal paypal account and a separate account for my forums, with only the information i was willing to share.

Oh okay, I wasn't aware that you could create more than one PayPal account.

Is it linked to the same bank account or do you have a separate account for that? Or do you even need to link a bank account to PayPal to accept payments? It's been years since I signed up lol.

"With the only information I was willing to share", they can still see your real name right? Or did you just include the forum name as your name?
