View Full Version : Suggestion: Some sort of reputation/feedback system for the vB 4.x series upgrade.

11-25-2009, 03:02 AM
Well - this suggestion has been made before I believe. I'm not sure if it was outright shot down though - so I want to add this in hopes that the idea will be entertained for the vB.org upgrade to the 4.x series...

I was recently slandered in a Paid Requests thread. Some pretty horrid untruths were said about me being a cheat, as well as a portrayal of me as a foulmouth. I AM a foulmouth. I don't think anyone who has known me on vBulletin.org or any other forum will dispute this. I cuss like 4 or 5 sailors on a good day. I admit to it - so there's no need for the dispute. One thing I am not though is a cheat! I work rather diligently for my clients and always have.

At anyrate - In the thread the client who was unhappy with the way things worked out between us stated:

After posting I have been emailed a few times about her.... I wish there was a feedback system on here like on www.softballfans.com where you can rate their service and see if they are good to go.

Apparently JacquiiCooke has her haters? That's news to me LMAO --- Anyway - I'm not familiar with softballfans and I'm pretty sure I never want to be now, but I AM familiar with a vBulletin feedback system such as iTrader (http://vbenhancer.com/itrader-complimentary-version/itrader-version-2-5-0-new/4783/).

If the Paid Requests section is to remain on vB.org - It's my opinion that a feedback system added amongst the other 4.x upgrades would be only a benefit to the membership here. Actually - there was a poll listed at Trusted Coder/Designer Scheme for VB.org (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=205390) in which 61 other vB.org Members and myself voted yes that a feedback system is a good idea...

It's a very good idea which could easily be implemented on vBulletin.org -- A feedback system could benefit both those who are shelling out the thousands of dollars exchanging hands in the Paid Requests arena, as well as those with open hands ready to take that money to the bank. Such a feedback system could certainly help to thwart against those trolling to scam the Paid Requests forum and also help protect those who might be wrongly slandered in Paid Request feedback.

Just my 6 cents and a couple sentences https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/. Thanks for entertaining the suggestion.


Brandon Sheley
11-25-2009, 03:08 AM
it won't happen ;)

11-25-2009, 03:11 AM
it won't happen ;)

Probably - but can't hurt to request again. I did notice the poll thread I linked to hasn't been closed - so there might be a glimmer of hope for such a feedback system. The Members (as a majority - at least in that poll) seem to think it's a good idea. So... Who knows....?


11-25-2009, 05:00 AM
Its a good idea...

Marco van Herwaarden
11-25-2009, 08:58 AM
The arguments in the others threads in this subject for why it is currently not implemented still hold.

And if someone is slandering you in the Paid Request section (or elsewhere) you should report the post. We have solid guidelines for feedback preventing such a thing.

11-25-2009, 09:22 AM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1744252&postcount=3" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showp...52&postcount=3</a>

Check out those words.

Paul M
11-25-2009, 12:10 PM
What has that post to do with a feedback system ? Its something totally different.

11-26-2009, 01:56 AM
The arguments in the others threads in this subject for why it is currently not implemented still hold.

And if someone is slandering you in the Paid Request section (or elsewhere) you should report the post. We have solid guidelines for feedback preventing such a thing.

I requested help and was happy to see the ridiculous laughs dissipate. Way to strong-arm the request though Marco. Much appreciation for that.. I'm sure the vBigWigs appreciate your stolid leadership ;)


--------------- Added 1259208904 at 1259208904 ---------------

What has that post to do with a feedback system ? Its something totally different.

Paul - I assume our friend ChopSuey is your cheerleader when he or she failed to quote your response:

Sorry, but while at first this may sound a good idea, such a system is open to loads of abuse and problems, and the staff here dont have the time (or desire) to administer such a system (or deal with the numerous complaints, accusations, etc that it would inevitably cause).

Your response... It's valid as a ney actually. I'm not sure if that's the sound of the horse, but rather, the sound of NO! Kinda similar to "No! We (the administration, etcetera) wants to do no extra work."

It's quite valid though, as I too would want to do no extra work on my own forums.

I do think though that the big moneybags at vBulletin could possibly snare up volunteers like yourself to man such a feedback system for free. ((I only say 'big moneybags' as I'd be first in line to volunteer my services :) )) You know what I mean though right...? Imagine the following post: Looking for Volunteers to Man The vB.org Feedback System :p

Surely you can picture the loads of applications for such a request.... But then again - vB.org has dumbed down the board of the month competition to what is essentially a board of 2-months competition.... Quite laughable if you ask me, as "The Official vBulletin Modifications Site." is full of Members ready to volunteer their time for just a task - don't you think? ;)

Obviously I'm a smart-arse - But just saying.... Or as Marco would say = making another argument for pro feedback system ;) -- I seriously believe such a system (again) could ONLY be a benefit for Members.


Brandon Sheley
11-26-2009, 02:55 AM
It's not going to happen, you're really just wasting your time. :rolleyes:
There is no way for the staff here to say one person is right or not in this aspect.
That is why you must build your portfolio off of the org on your own site.
This is coming from someone who has gotten dozens and dozens of jobs from the paid service area on the Org. I had a person try to ruin my reputation on the org and I backed my claims up with testimonials from past clients and asking for screenshots from the accuser.
I don't think the system here needs edited, I would rather the staff focus on keeping the spam off the forums and helping the members with programing questions.

11-26-2009, 03:39 AM
yes yes yes Brandon - but Jacquii is a stubborn B-word.https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/08/2.gif
And the idea of a healthy feedback system for the multi-thousand-dollar-trading-system known as the vBulletin.org Paid Requests area could be better served by the implementation of the idea that Members have voted and said overwhelmingly is a good idea. ;)

I understand exactly what you say and I respect it as well. I know not many member-promoted ideas are embraced here at the .org - I even wonder sometimes why such a forum as vBulletin.org Site Feedback exists... But it does exist.

And in the spirit of having close to 170 people view the feedback thread of how much a douchebag I am - I thought I would promote the concept of my hater having said "I wish there was a feedback system on here" - because I for one don't appreciate the current system of dump and run ;)

That's it. :P


--------------- Added 1259214982 at 1259214982 ---------------

There is no way for the staff here to say one person is right or not in this aspect.

Also - a feedback system as I suggest does NOT make for the Staff to pit one Member against another. Perhaps guidelines should be set: if there is dispute about a feedback = one response from each = closed. I'm sure there are talented coders within the community who would be happy to make such a system?

The system I suggest would be a way for Members to accrue (sp?) feedback from those who have answered paid request thread? An interesting way of tracking might be to allow Members to actually post responses to paid request threads, as opposed to only access to PMing members regarding their requests? IDK --- Just a thought - and certainly an imperfect suggestion. But surely a better system can be implemented than the "blind - I can't see a thing" system that's currently in place...

Room for improvement? Surely yes! Perhaps I (or someone else) can post in the new forum The Hatchery (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=248) ((suppress giggle...)) for prospective ideas :)


11-26-2009, 07:27 AM
I too would like to see some sort of feedback system, but I'm realistic in knowing they will not put one on here. :(