View Full Version : Is this possible?

Johnny Detroit
11-21-2009, 05:26 PM
I currently have a Drupal based site. I am aware of the Drupal hacks to sync with VB, but want to use the actual VB forums/blogs and not the hacked version. Is it possible to purchase the suite to get all of the features for the community (blogs/forums) and host it say as community.website.com and not on website.com (and the link to the community on the content site would just go to the VB community), have the CMS portion turned off still use Drupal for my content portion of the site? Difficult to explain in a post, but basically can you use all of the community aspects BUT not the CMS portion?

Ideally, I would like to use VB for everything but assuming it would be a nightmare to move everything over to a new CMS.

Where is the proper place on this site to post to find someone to install it and have it synced look and color wise to my actual site.