View Full Version : Fulltext search gone

11-19-2009, 06:17 PM
I did upgrade my board to 4.0 on a test enviroment, and since than fulltext search is gone and I can't choose the option in the admin CP anymore. Any idea how to fix this? Is this a bug maybe?

Adrian Schneider
11-19-2009, 06:30 PM
It was removed in 4.0.

01-31-2010, 07:08 PM
Removed!?! Jawdrop. What is it using now? Only that own search engine? We threw it away years ago because it's so bad. Way too big and turtle slow.

Paul M
01-31-2010, 08:05 PM
Its still using mysql fulltext.

02-01-2010, 02:26 PM
Hello Paul,

It's not working anymore. New content can be searched, the old stuff is gone. Support just says I have to rebuild the search index, but the only explanation about how to do that is that I get directed to the one from Vbulletin. How do I fix the Fulltext index?

Which queries do I need to run, or rather ask my host to run? I have to dump the old index first?

02-01-2010, 02:43 PM
Rebuild Search Index in admin cp

02-01-2010, 03:31 PM
That's the Vbulletin only?

Apart from that, the forum is big and we have to mail queries to the host. He can run it directly on the server. It completes there within half an hour or so. I costs us hours and crashes (if it ever completes).

Fulltext as we know it is gone http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/entry.php?2376-Part-1-vB4mance-Helping-communities-grow-performance-data-model-changes-in-vB-4-0


Edit: giving this new implementation a shot. From what I recall: it builds faster than the old DB search. So far, it seems to work ok too. It's reindexing in the background on my productionboard while it's live and used. Searchresults still come in within 2 seconds (which isn't bad at all for us). But we'll see how it works tomorrow.

02-02-2010, 03:36 PM
TosaInu, how did you make out with the re-indexing?

02-03-2010, 10:18 AM
TosaInu, how did you make out with the re-indexing?

Hello SillyAlien,

It's not completed yet. I first used the default setting of 250 items per batch, and some 600,000 posts were indexed within a few hours. I left it running during the night and it got at some 700,000. Probably stuck. I let it run for the rest of the day (12+ hours) and it was still there. So, the PHP script probably timed out. The forum was running all the time and no glitches were reported from any member. I'm sure it would be said if there was any.

I launched it again at 50 per batch, and the script hung again, followed by a crash of the browser. There are some 720,000 items in the searchlog now. That's far from completed.

The problem is that several single posts on our forum are multi page essays. A few years ago, the PHP limit was set so that one of them could be just posted at a time without crashing PHP. The PHP settings are increased a few notches now, but it won't be able to process 50 at the same time. Setting the batch to 1 at a time, and assuming 1 second for a batch cyclus, it will take 12 days to hit the first million. So, I'll have to tweak to get it done.

There are 700,000 records now and I searched for a word there: results come up within 2 seconds, so performance isn't bad (for us).

I would say it's a decent, good or even very good implementation. The built script is a bottleneck when you have a large site and big items.

I'm guessing memory and timeouts is the problem for me. Would it be possible to run the build script from the commandline? Will that prevent issues?

02-03-2010, 10:25 AM
Would it be possible to run the build script from the commandline? Will that prevent issues?

fingers crossed

02-03-2010, 07:56 PM

I started from where it stopped. Processing 10 posts per batch. Batches are done in 0.05 sec-2 seconds. Most < 1 second. I'm guessing it hasn't hit any new big posts yet.

It's past 1.1 million now and it may be done tomorrow. Since the board is live, new posts are already indexed, I may end up with some double entries.