View Full Version : Restoring forum

11-15-2009, 01:35 PM
Hi wonder if anyone can shed some light on how long it takes to restore a forum its 70meg and now has been restoring 12 hours and still not finished yet is this right ?

We have had our forum for over a year with no problems then 2 days ago if u try and access it through firefox it takes u to an attack page also this happens in google chrome but not in ie or in opera, we have looked at the forum and couldnt see why this was happening so to be on the safe side we decided to do a restore. When the restore has completed does anyone know how we can get this taken off ff and google chrome so that people will come to the forum . Thanks for any replies in advance .

11-15-2009, 04:36 PM
It should not take that long. You may want to try a different method to restore the database or ask your host for help.

Is this really a vb4 question?

11-15-2009, 04:49 PM
Looks like a "in general" ? to me Lynne but I did not post ;) long story short vixen how are you restoring? If via phpMyAdmin and it's been loading forever then your host has a limit on it for file upload size simply contact them and see if they can upload the backup for you as it will be much quicker that way ;).