View Full Version : I love Vbulletin 4 allready do you ?
11-14-2009, 04:37 PM
I love Vbulletin 4 allready do you
I always run a "true" copy of my online sites on local machines, so i got the identical backup.
Now i tryed installing the entire PCsuite 4 on a couple, SUCCES.
Ive read alot of critics on, but its a beta and its volunter to try out the beta
if you preordered.
Most of the issues ive had, ive been able to work around, and i must say sofar i like it.
The CMS feature can be overwhelming, and not that logic to navigate around as admin.
But been doing it for a couple of days now, and i gotta say. Practice makes it better.
User end, its fine and the CMS problems in general appear to be most admin side of the system.
So i am confident that it will be a succes.
The forum well, changes i think is minimal, and haveing a hell of a time trying to skin vb4,
well atleast compared to vb2 and vb3.
In any case how do you feel about Vb4 and vb4 pcsuite ? if you had the chance to try and
play wit it ofcourse.
Paul M
11-14-2009, 04:42 PM
If you are installing a forum from new, yes, I think that once the bugs are ironed out and it goes gold, then it will be good product to install and use.
If you have an existing, customised, 3.x site then not so good, unless you want to lose a lot of your customisations (both style & functionality).
11-14-2009, 07:59 PM
If you have an existing, customised, 3.x site then not so good, unless you want to lose a lot of your customisations (both style & functionality).
Thanks for this info, think i will give it a miss
11-14-2009, 10:44 PM
I installed it yesterday and I am looking at it before it goes anywhere near live. So far it looks nice but i have several issues with fonts and text not lining up correctly. Also, i have loads of adons in my forum (chat box, arcade, flashchat etc) none of which currently work with the new version.
11-15-2009, 12:08 AM
I also liked the new vb4 publishing suite and on my sites i also code custom frontends. the problem is that i think vb4 cms's content handling at the backend side is a bit bloated. there is cms_article,cms_node and cms_nodeinfo.
To read a simple article from the db, 3 different queries on 3 different tables should run. i mean to get the latest articles:
$query=$this->db->from('cms_article')->select('contentid','pagetext','previewimage','imag ewidth','imageheight')->where('contentid',$id)->get();
i think this explains why cms runs a hundred queries for the front page,thanks to caching we don't feel that much but it's still a conceptual issue.
11-15-2009, 08:06 AM
If you are installing a forum from new, yes, I think that once the bugs are ironed out and it goes gold, then it will be good product to install and use.
If you have an existing, customised, 3.x site then not so good, unless you want to lose a lot of your customisations (both style & functionality).
This is the most accurate statement I've seen. I think the final product will be excellent. Unfortunately my license expired and the only renew option I saw was to upgrade. So I'm stuck with a board with no mods for awhile. It will be a long couple months :( but will pay off in the end with a better product.
11-15-2009, 08:23 AM
My forum still has a limited number of users and posts, that's why I upgraded to the beta 3.
The upgrade has a lot of errors, but it's fun to play with vb4.
11-16-2009, 02:04 AM
If you are installing a forum from new, yes, I think that once the bugs are ironed out and it goes gold, then it will be good product to install and use.
approximate for Gold release date????:confused::confused:
11-16-2009, 03:58 AM
approximate for Gold release date????:confused::confused:
As mentioned by Ray and co. many other times before, "by the end of the year". Note that this is a goal only.
11-16-2009, 05:46 AM
I love Vbulletin 4 allready do you
i cant stand it one bit. but good luck to those whom like it ;)
personal choice of course.
New Joe
11-16-2009, 06:10 AM
i cant stand it one bit. but good luck to those whom like it ;)
personal choice of course.
I agree with that:D
11-16-2009, 06:48 AM
I'll be getting ready to install it tomorrow on a test site. I am excited to see how it looks from the back end.
11-16-2009, 06:03 PM
love it
11-16-2009, 08:19 PM
i cant stand it one bit. but good luck to those whom like it ;)
personal choice of course.
Yea I'm not a fan of vB4 in its current beta form either.
I realize its beta, but its just not doing it for me, there isn't much of an OHHHHH AHHHH factor to it.
11-17-2009, 01:50 PM
I love Vbulletin 4 allready do you..<snip>
No, not at all :D
i'll be staying with 3.8 for current projects and moving to mybb for rest
Brandon Sheley
11-17-2009, 02:34 PM
I like it, what little I've messed around with
11-18-2009, 03:21 AM
ya, its a real winner. a+ to the vb team, assuming you get the bugs fixed. :)
11-18-2009, 08:45 AM
its just the look lol, the style section here should be smf 4.0 styles. actually all the styles look worse than smf default. every time vbulletin upgraded i felt behind, this time wow, sticking with 3.8 makes me feel like im actually using a vbulletin board. when i made an update on my forum about the 4.0 look, i think my members just passed out from the uglyness. it would be just embarrassing to use and please no offense to those that think it looks good. i know its in beta stage and maybe be really good to use but for gods sake, why does it look like smf cross phpbb with a finish touch of IP.boards. you know years ago when people mention vbulletin i picture how good it looked, and was like yeah wow i'd love to own a vbulletin board, just the default its self was enough to impress me and others. people would say join his new site its a vbulletin, and strait away they were members.
some of those people has stood by me all these years have said to me "do not use 4.0" lol, now thats saying something.
vbulletin 3.0 to vbulletin 3.8 put the wow in the meaning vbulletin.
now when i see the 4.0 look, its like a fat boy fell in the mud and never got back up :D if 4.0 is going to keep that look then god help us all. if i never knew about vbulletin and say found it on google, i'd take one look and run, lets not forget the price, like omg. for 4.0 at least have the vbulletin look a tiny bit, not a copy of smf default, god ip.board and all the well known free boards must be laughing. sorry again to those whom like it. also my last sook about the look of 4.0, i'll try to tell my brain theres no such thing.
edit: i must say the CMS look amazing.
11-18-2009, 08:54 AM
It's ok so far.
11-18-2009, 06:48 PM
Hate it. For me its a SMF ripoff. I look also around on the official vbulletin website. It looks ugly and i know for sure, when i am going to upgrade, i will lose a lot of members. Thats why i staying for a long time with 3.8.x. This board gives you a real vbulletin feeling, looks good. But the new one. Brrrrr. Maybe it will be better in the future, but there is a lot of work to do with it before i will upgrade my forum.
11-18-2009, 06:48 PM
I have installed a fresh VB40 beta board to play around with and test it and show it off to my staff ..
I think it has some great new features and i Like how the cms and blog tie into the board.. I as other are very worried about my styles and mods when I upgrade to 4.0 gold ..
I know most of my mods will be upgrading to support VB40 but a few ones I really enjoy I am unsure about but have hope that the dev's will upgrade them.
I just have to keep saying beta beta ... as I play around and very unstable beta i should say !!!
But for someone like me and my group who are not types and GFX people I have found out that changing some things on that side of the house a little easier to do
11-18-2009, 10:11 PM
Sorry, thumbs down from me. :down:
11-19-2009, 02:39 AM
Like it so far, takes some getting used to...
I might be able to get it down pat in a couple years
11-19-2009, 09:52 PM
I don't like it. At all.
11-19-2009, 09:56 PM
I had some trouble with my 3.7.3 site and opened the v4 Beta test site for the time being. There are things that are really cool. There is a bit of a learning curve but the response from the few folks that stopped by was positive.
11-20-2009, 08:51 AM
In its current state, I'm not happy with it at all. There's a lot of weird overlapping going on with the navbar that I can't figure out, which is causing avatars to not show up and preventing the display of the quick reply box on some pages. I installed a test forum for my mods and I to tinker with and I'm embarrassed to admit to them that I don't know wtf is going on.
11-20-2009, 12:33 PM
i have on my test site to get use to it i do like it but will have to see different skins & mods before i upgrade my site other then that i do like it great job guys
11-20-2009, 03:14 PM
My forum still has a limited number of users and posts, that's why I upgraded to the beta 3.
The upgrade has a lot of errors, but it's fun to play with vb4.
Same here. I was in the process of changing name/address and expanding the sites direction. So this is a perfect time to just go balls deep with vb4 and the mods I already have purchased will catch up with time and I'll roll them in as returning/additional features when the time comes.
11-20-2009, 05:00 PM
I and my users are very happy with it so far, even in it's beta state as now the blog and cms are truly integrated which is the main reason why I bought 4.0 in the first place.
11-22-2009, 08:21 AM
I love it too. Im a risk taker so I went ahead and installed it on my live site. lol!
11-26-2009, 02:13 PM
Well as for me...
I installed a copy on the server to preview the VB4 and was quite shock to find the AdminCP basically the same as the VB 3.84. The only thing that seemed to change is the theme of the web page (public)
As for change in functions, controls and other wise I really didn't see it. Maybe for the public side but to the adminstrator it seem the same. Basically my 3.84 is setup exactly like the 4.0 just without the bugs. :confused:
I'm sitting on the fence and waiting for the full release of VB4 (gold) and most likey go forward.
11-26-2009, 02:21 PM
Currently until they get the bugs worked out of it and the hacks/add ons, I don't care for it. I have 3 car sites and we installed in on one of the smaller ones. Its a basic forum site without all the bells and whistles. I am hoping the new and improved version is much better. I can't adjust avatars, some forum colors, the advertisers banners don't work properly, I can't get my banner to center correctly on the top of the page, and the list goes on...
I installed a copy on the server to preview the VB4 and was quite shock to find the AdminCP basically the same as the VB 3.84.
This would be due to the fact that it was never slated to be any different for 4.0.
It is supposed to be revamped for 4.1.
11-28-2009, 01:16 PM
Im personally quite happy with the Admin CP as it is..
11-28-2009, 03:39 PM
vB 4 is impressive, im just waiting for it to go gold.
Brandon Sheley
11-28-2009, 04:06 PM
I don't care for the thread preview in the search results, but I'm sure there is an easy way to remove that.
11-29-2009, 02:53 PM
I tried running vb4 suite for just a few days:
the cms for it is terrible IMHO. vbadvance wasn't the greatest but way better then this. It actually encourage me just to make my own.
Blogs? Never wanted this, never like this, it just simply takes away from the forum.
Just I decided to install just the forum:
Honestly I love the design about it but the Stylevars makes cusomizing slow. Most vb4 sites are going to look the exact same exept for colors for a long time.
No mod needed to easy video posting. Great!
What's the point of a profile pic now? Atleast there's albums still.
Easiest add placement! 1 less mod needed.
I 'm in the process of making a new site and decided to wait it out until vb4 goes gold and all the mods come out for it, but its just takin forever for it to happen. Also I'm really not seeing any advantages for vb4 over vb3.x so far.
Has anyone really been able to see some clear advantages for funtionality that vb4 has over vb3? Please let me know!!!
11-29-2009, 04:44 PM
I think the communication from vBulletin has been very poor. Why don't they keep in touch with their customers and let people know what's happening?
I prepaid (like many people) and I've heard nothing since, except when I've come searching for info - and even then it's hard to find anything out and really vague when you do find something. I understand it's just a beta version but come on vBulletin. We're not all geeks here. Speak to us like paying customers - explain to us what's going on, how long is it likely to take, what's the next stage, etc.? When am I actually going to get what I paid for?
You're coming across as a company that doesn't care about its customers.
11-29-2009, 05:13 PM
I think the style is disgusting and it really should be redone, It's screwed in IE and it's also messy.
11-29-2009, 05:20 PM
Hate it. For me its a SMF ripoff. I look also around on the official vbulletin website. It looks ugly and i know for sure, when i am going to upgrade, i will lose a lot of members. Thats why i staying for a long time with 3.8.x. This board gives you a real vbulletin feeling, looks good. But the new one. Brrrrr. Maybe it will be better in the future, but there is a lot of work to do with it before i will upgrade my forum.
To me this sums up my views. While I appreciate that IBs intentions were good, I think that they have fundamentally changed what set VB apart from the competition, ie, the professional look
I and my users are very happy with it so far, even in it's beta state as now the blog and cms are truly integrated which is the main reason why I bought 4.0 in the first place.
These are the only aspects that appeal to me and I personally think that if anyone comes up with a way to use the VB CMS with any of the other pre VB 4.0 versions (or clone one from scratch) they could potentially have a real winner on their hands
Just my opinion and I'm sure we all have one :D
12-01-2009, 11:46 AM
Oh yea definately... I cannot stand the new style and themeing. I was so excited to install VB4 and when I finished all I saw was a bunch of CSS changes... I was like, ok wheres the new features? Of course there is some very small additions that make it run nicer... but VB ditch this new theme and go back to the old... Or at least have the old style come default with the final release or even the next beta or RC...
I am deeply disgusted with how this product turned out... I am guessing it is because of how you guys lost developers... Well you guys can still fix your mistakes... LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS.
If we wanted an IPBoard or a SMF or PHPBB, do you really think we'd pay the extra amount for a VB.
12-02-2009, 11:24 AM
I like it, too many bugs though. Set up a test forum already found a few.
12-02-2009, 11:33 AM
Bugs on the beta is normal. As far as the style goes. I do not want the old way as I would be SOL on skinning. The new way is much easier on the new people.
12-02-2009, 11:38 AM
I love the style of vb4 and how easy it is to customize a skin now. There are a few things I think that need changing as far as stylevars go (still some missing) and I've had to do a lot of template editing to get my forum style the way I want, but I know it's still in beta so hopefully those things will change.
12-02-2009, 12:29 PM
thinking that styling took a turn for the worse with vb4,,
vb3 was soo smooth and extremely easy to costumize, ewen
change the complete layout of the forum..
im finding it wery complicated in vb4 trying to make a Xmax theme atm,
and have alot of issues with it, howewer im sure its beta issues so ill just
work around and keep my mouth shut until they go gold.
but still general appearence and user end, vb4 is the best.
admin end its more grrrrr than ahhh..
12-02-2009, 02:42 PM
The new stylevars is a welcome upgrade and one of the best new features. They have a few details to hash out in there but making color changes with the overlayed images is very simple and looks clean. Kudos to them.
12-05-2009, 04:33 AM
Sorry, but the examples I've seen so far look primitive. Maybe the background function is better, but it is definitely not an improvement to the eyes. I saw one so far that looked really put together, but that's about it.
The login in the upper right looks annoying and out of place.
I think I will stick with 3.8 for a bit. I'm sure 4.0 will get there, but not wanting to be without everything I've already worked on.
12-05-2009, 04:35 AM
I love it. Check mine out. Still need to work on a background fnx.
Ted S
12-06-2009, 05:32 AM
Wait until stable releases and half your mods don't update. Then let us know how much you like it. :D
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