View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - Facebook/MySpace-Like IM Bar

11-13-2009, 10:00 PM
I searched everywhere for a tutorial on how to create a Facebook/MySpace-like IM bar. I finally found a site that does all the work for you. It's as easy as creating an account at http://www.icemelon.com, customizing your bar and pasting code!

All credit goes to the author(s) at IceMelon.com

Live Demo: I have chosen to remove the live demo link because I have switched to CometChat. I no longer use this on my forums.

What this does:

Allows your users to interact with each other via instant message.

I do not own any rights to IceMelon.com. I just came across this awesome add on and I want to share it with everyone else.


1. Go to http://www.icemelon.com/services.php?details=IM and create an account.
2. Customize your bar's colors to fit your style. (customization options are limited to non-paying users)
3. Go to AdminCP>>Styles & Templates>>Style Manager and choose which style(s) you want to edit. In the drop down menu, click Edit Templates.
4. Find your header or footer (because every page uses header and footer templates and the IM bar will show on all pages) template and add at the very bottom <script src="http://www.icemelon.com/IM/icemelon_IM.php?acct=YourACCTNumber&enc=YourENCCode&usr=$bbuserinfo[username]" type="text/javascript"></script>

If you only want your registered users to use this feature and not guests/unregistered users, use this code <if condition="$show['member']">
<script src="http://www.icemelon.com/IM/icemelon_IM.php?acct=YourACCTNumber&enc=YourENCCode&usr=$bbuserinfo[username]" type="text/javascript"></script>

Make sure you use your ACCT number and ENC code in place of YourACCTNumber and YourENCCode.

On IceMelon, near the very end of your code, it will say user=[USERNAME] Be sure to keep $bbuserinfo[username] in place of that as it is above.

Keep in mind that paying users have more control over customizations. Paid features are listed at http://www.icemelon.com/IM.php?plans.

That should be it. If I left any steps out, please let me know. Enjoy!

11-14-2009, 04:30 AM

11-14-2009, 05:34 AM
This feature is nice but it's very slow I must say (after testing it in your forum)

11-14-2009, 05:42 AM
I've notice that too. Maybe the paid version is faster, but who knows. This is the only IM feature I can find for vBulletin, though. The author does state on his site that this feature is still in the works, so maybe he's still working out all the kinks.

11-14-2009, 05:43 AM
Doesnt show up for me...
and i have the info added correctly

11-14-2009, 05:53 AM
Doesnt show up for me...
and i have the info added correctly

Double check to see if you have these settings correct

You've entered your correct URL at IceMelon.com (it won't show up on any other URL except for the one you provide at registration)
You've replaced YourACCTNumber with the ACCT number IceMelon.com provided you
You've replaced YourENCCode with the ENC code IceMelon.com provided you

11-14-2009, 07:35 AM
The idea is great but what is with all these people creating them and only hosting them on their servers? I want to host it all on my own server minus any sponsors. If anyone decides to create one let me know.

11-14-2009, 09:26 AM
this is just template edit !
no mod

11-14-2009, 09:31 AM
where can you find the paid no ad version?

11-14-2009, 02:22 PM
i use http://www.cometchat.com/

11-14-2009, 11:35 PM
The idea is great but what is with all these people creating them and only hosting them on their servers? I want to host it all on my own server minus any sponsors. If anyone decides to create one let me know.

I have no clue. I was looking to find something I could host on my own server for free, but this is the only thing I could find. I could care less about sponsors.

this is just template edit !
no mod

Thanks for the observation.

where can you find the paid no ad version?

The link for the paid version is at the bottom of the first post.

i use http://www.cometchat.com/

I like this better, and will more than likely get it when I come across some extra cash.

11-15-2009, 04:20 AM
lol Funny, my users were just asking about something like this...

How server intensive is it? I have a site that gets around 25k unique visitors a day so if it slows the site down I won't be installing it.

11-15-2009, 09:09 AM
lol Funny, my users were just asking about something like this...

How server intensive is it? I have a site that gets around 25k unique visitors a day so if it slows the site down I won't be installing it.

I haven't had any problems with it other than it's just slow itself. When I tested it out with my test account on IE and my main account on FireFox, it was pretty slow relaying the messages. I think it serves its purpose for what it's worth.. free. There actually isn't any installing necessary. Just a template edit after registering at IceMelon.com.

I personally prefer CometChat, as I just now switched to that instead. Figured I'd leave this post up for people who want this feature, but have no money for advanced services.

11-16-2009, 09:40 AM
I've been speaking with the author of this feature and he is working on the lag issue.

11-17-2009, 03:54 AM
Great! I'll wait to hear back for you then.