View Full Version : Integration with vBulletin - Tweetboard Integration

11-08-2009, 10:00 PM
This will add the Tweetboard to all of your styles for you. I use it on my board since I have a ton of styles.

Those that already have a Tweetboard beta can use this modification. Those that do not. You need to ask for one HERE (http://twitter.com/home?status=Requesting+an+invite+for+Tweetboard+Al pha+(http://tweetboard.com)+by+@140ware,+for+my+site:+http://ReplaceWithYourURL.com).

Once you have one, simply enter in your Twitter Username in the Tweetboard settings found in the AdminCP.


Fixed the option to show the Tweetboard only on the index page.
Optimized the code.

There is an option in the AdminCP to only show the Tweetboard on the index page.


11-10-2009, 12:12 AM
Nice, thanks dude.

11-10-2009, 03:51 AM
Some question as putting a chat on your forum... don't you want your users to post on the forum instead? (Just an idea)

11-10-2009, 12:29 PM
Some question as putting a chat on your forum... don't you want your users to post on the forum instead? (Just an idea)
It's not a chat lol. It's more like a social network. IDK. I like it, you don't have to.

Brandon Sheley
11-10-2009, 01:06 PM
Nice mod for those with many styles, thanks for sharing :)
it's a great way to get traffic from Twitter without trying, and letting your user promote for you.

11-10-2009, 01:38 PM
<a href="http://www.RUOfficial.com/board/cmps_index.php" target="_blank">DEMO</a>

Thanks for this, I sent a request and got approved a few weeks back.

11-10-2009, 05:54 PM
great mod

11-11-2009, 02:51 AM
DEMO (http://www.RUOfficial.com/board/cmps_index.php)

Thanks for this, I sent a request and got approved a few weeks back.
You are aware I posted a demo in the original post right lol?

11-11-2009, 02:03 PM
nice hac, but I did ask the application on the page, nice hack anyway, but to place it in any CMS is required permission.

some pictures of demonstration

11-11-2009, 08:19 PM
I might have to try this later!!

11-12-2009, 05:42 AM
nice hac, but I did ask the application on the page, nice hack anyway, but to place it in any CMS is required permission.

some pictures of demonstration
Twitter will always one time ask you for permission. This is because the script uses the Twitter API.

11-13-2009, 02:01 AM
its possible To install Version 3.7.2

Brandon Sheley
11-13-2009, 02:06 AM
its possible To install Version 3.7.2

if not, you can always add the code in your footer template :up:

11-13-2009, 02:47 AM
if not, you can always add the code in your footer template :up:

It's the header... Not footer, and yes it will work on all versions of VBulletin. 3.6, 3.7. and 3.8

11-13-2009, 05:22 AM
Nice, thanks man, I will testit

11-13-2009, 06:12 AM
The new version 1.5 release has missing Tweets Logo besides the index page when enabled. So there's no way we can click to view.

11-13-2009, 03:08 PM
The new version 1.5 release has missing Tweets Logo besides the index page when enabled. So there's no way we can click to view.
Alright. I'll check into this when I get home.

Brandon Sheley
11-13-2009, 04:04 PM
It's the header... Not footer, and yes it will work on all versions of VBulletin. 3.6, 3.7. and 3.8

why would you want to put it in the header??
it works fine in the footer, that's how I've had it running since it was in early beta

well, whatever works, but I would place it in the footer so it doesn't slow the site down ;)


To install Tweetboard Alpha, simply add the following code to your website, above the </body> tag

AFAIK, there is no closing body tag in the header ;)

11-14-2009, 02:15 AM
why would you want to put it in the header??
it works fine in the footer, that's how I've had it running since it was in early beta

well, whatever works, but I would place it in the footer so it doesn't slow the site down ;)


To install Tweetboard Alpha, simply add the following code to your website, above the </body> tag

AFAIK, there is no closing body tag in the header ;)

In the new version I will allow the option to choose header or footer. However it doesn't slow anything down for me, but I guess other people may be more picky than others...

Brandon Sheley
11-14-2009, 02:23 AM
IDK honestly, I just had remembered that it said to place it after the closing body tag. :)

11-14-2009, 12:09 PM
IDK honestly, I just had remembered that it said to place it after the closing body tag. :)

I'm sure it doesn't really matter, but I guess if Twitter gets DDOSed again, it could affect things.

11-15-2009, 03:28 AM
1.7 Released

IDK honestly, I just had remembered that it said to place it after the closing body tag. :)
Well I tried to put it in the footer, but it wouldn't execute. The </body> tag is in too many templates to even bother with. Considering you're the only one complaining feel free to add the tweetboard to all your templates. Have fun with that...

11-16-2009, 11:30 AM
I'm trying to understand the goal of this mod.

I assume that someone must subscribe to YOUR TWEETS (the twitter id of the forum) in order to join the discussion? (is this true?)

If they comment on a post from the board, does this comment get posted in the thread or are their comments just posted in the tweetboard and therefore just commenting on comments.

Is the goal to hopefully have them join the forum as a real participating member instead of just being a comment making interloper who is not accountable on the actual board for their comments of behavior?

and therefore a method to show people on the board what other people think about their posts?

If so, I think it might drive people away from using your board because participation on your board opens them up to critique by non board members.

thanks - I am looking forward to your replies.


Brandon Sheley
11-16-2009, 12:24 PM
1.7 Released

Well I tried to put it in the footer, but it wouldn't execute. The </body> tag is in too many templates to even bother with. Considering you're the only one complaining feel free to add the tweetboard to all your templates. Have fun with that...

weird, that's the exact place I have it and it's worked fine on my sites and others I've installed it on.
I even setup a few conditions so TB only shows up on the pages I want. ;)

11-17-2009, 07:00 PM
I'm trying to understand the goal of this mod.

I assume that someone must subscribe to YOUR TWEETS (the twitter id of the forum) in order to join the discussion? (is this true?)

If they comment on a post from the board, does this comment get posted in the thread or are their comments just posted in the tweetboard and therefore just commenting on comments.

Is the goal to hopefully have them join the forum as a real participating member instead of just being a comment making interloper who is not accountable on the actual board for their comments of behavior?

and therefore a method to show people on the board what other people think about their posts?

If so, I think it might drive people away from using your board because participation on your board opens them up to critique by non board members.

thanks - I am looking forward to your replies.



01-15-2010, 07:28 AM
I send a request :-)

01-15-2010, 01:19 PM
i will test it soon, thanks ;)

04-30-2010, 10:17 PM
I've sent a request through.

Are you guys still using it and happy with it? Would love to hear recent feedback.

Masked Crusader
05-03-2010, 07:31 PM
Just sent in my request. Hope that he is still taking requests...

Sean James
05-05-2010, 06:23 AM
Great mod, any chance of being updated for vB4?

05-07-2010, 10:52 AM
thanks but my Register member and guest can;t see tweetboard click here (http://www.mknexusonline.com/forums/index.php)you can check yourself you can;t see tweet

06-23-2010, 05:06 PM
Hey Goom, you probably got it fixed since you posted that, but I just wanted to let you know that I see it.

My question... members are complaining that it is getting in the way on some styles (on the left)... anyway to easily add it to the right instead?

09-05-2010, 12:20 PM
Currently I use my vbseo tweetboard and even though the tweetboard has a way to change colors it does not have my background color of #541819 for a choice and will not accept it when I enter my color.... so if I shut off my vbseo TB...

Will your mod inherit the style looks? If not is there a way to change the tweetboard background color to my own exact color? Thats all I am looking to do, just the background color change to #541819.

06-13-2011, 08:53 PM
not working properly

06-20-2011, 01:22 PM
i have uninstalled it but its still on the index how to fully remove it?

07-21-2011, 06:19 AM
remove the code from the corresponding templates. IE footer.