View Full Version : New Liscense says 1 copy only..what about test forums?

10-29-2009, 11:14 PM
Our board software went offline for awhile, mainly because we have been waiting for vb4.0 to come out so we can start working on building our site back up. Being the main programmer and skinner for the site I was looking at the new liscense agreement.

Before, if I am not mistaken, it allowed us to have 1 installation of the software for use, and 1 installation for testbed's so that while working on the forums, we could launch a test of new mods/visual that we planned on rolling out. According to the new liscense it stated that if I have www.domain.com/activeforum, and www.domain.com/testbed I will need to have to liscense.. is that still true for test beds, or am I going to have to buy two copies of a liscense because of call backs just to make improvements to my site?


10-30-2009, 02:31 AM
You may still have a test site. It must not be viewable by the public and must be htaccess protected. This is from the license (http://www.vbulletin.com/order/license_agreement.php?):

You may set up one additional temporary test forum for the purpose of testing code, template and database modifications. Such a test forum must be password protected, and not made available to the general public at any time.

Marco van Herwaarden
10-30-2009, 04:43 AM
Please address questions regarding the license agreement to vBulletin.com