View Full Version : i realy need this hack!

07-12-2001, 10:40 PM
<font size="4">to get evry subject in a forum</font>

this mean i need hack that get all subjects in part of forum and view it in line as separate subjects in marquee.

can any body do that ? i think it s difficult but let us see .

07-16-2001, 10:24 AM
no body knows ? :(

Steve Machol
07-17-2001, 04:43 PM
It sounds like a pretty interesting idea, but I don't think such a hack exists. I'm not good at these things, but I suspect this would be a rather extensive project. Good luck finding someone to help! :)

07-17-2001, 09:08 PM
Thanks Smachol .

let 's see maybe we got that !!

congratulation / you have well-turned forum

07-21-2001, 08:33 PM

i can pay for that