View Full Version : Custom Steam postbit (real easy)

10-08-2009, 02:43 AM
I recently transfered from SMF to vbulletin. I still find it a bit confusing why you cant directly add php into a template. but im learning slowly :)

anyways.. i had already previously built my own php steam display script which i displayed as a postbit on SMF, i wanted to do the same for vbulletin

example: http://fugtf2.com/var2.php?steam=STEAM_0:0:14262256

but obviously you cant stick php into a template, i tried to make a simple plugin that hooks to the member_customfields
that went something like this...

if ($profilefield['profilefieldid'] == 5)

that didnt work. im sure its something very simple that i am missing, some guidance or help would be much appreciated.