View Full Version : Planetclans (Review)

10-06-2009, 11:10 AM
<a href="http://www.planetclans.com" target="_blank">http://www.planetclans.com</a>

What do you guys think?

10-07-2009, 07:20 PM
Took me a while to figure out what your site actually was about. My first impressions that I got from your homepage were too corporate/business like, and the dark grey background doesn't suite the light blue colours on your site. It's a good layout to use and there's nothing stopping you from customizing it. Personally, all I think that needs customizing is the banner.

I really like the way you have integrated a wordpress theme in to your vbulletin forum. It's a good unique approach and I'm always a huge fan of sites that keep a consistent layout.

I also like how you have kept your forums nice and simple; I'm not staring at lots of empty forums, nor am I staring at a hundreds of forums, you have used sub-forums in the correct places, well done!

What I most like is that your forum descriptions are exactly that. Although it took me a few moments to get to grips as to what your site is, anyone who reads your forum descriptions would instantly know! They're exactly to the point and have a meaningful description of what to post/what to expect in the forum

I like the graphics that you have used, ie; smilies, post icons etc, instead of using vBulletin's default. They suit your forums purpose nicely and work exceptionally well with the skin.

Your affiliate box next to the "What's going on" box is defiantly something that I haven't seen before. Again, another very unique styling approach you have there! I really like how you have laid out your affiliation table, very clean, very accessible, easy to navigate and very easy to read.

I love your login box, it's very easy to use, and very clean. And I also love your "Welcome to the Planet Clans." box, where it tells you everything that you can do on your forums. It's absolutely great, and very nicely laid out.

Overall, you have a brilliant set-up, defiantly one of the nicest laid out forums I have seen in a long time. I'd give your site a 9.6/10.

10-07-2009, 10:49 PM
Nice custom theme, header image is a little big at 74.27 KB, need to edit or remoe the "powered by vbulletin" in the site title

Meta description is short and straight to the point - which is good.

10-07-2009, 11:04 PM
Might want to cut your header down a bit. Too big, save some scrolling