View Full Version : Review Apphunters

10-02-2009, 05:06 AM
I have recently spent time working on http://www.apphunters.com and would like some opinions on any improvements that can be made. Thanks. :cool:

I have a user acct set up for guests..
user: Guest,
Pass: Password


10-02-2009, 05:53 AM
It actually took me a while to get to grips to what the site is actually about. From my understanding so far, it's a forum where people post mac and pc hacks, or applications? If that's so, then you might want to include in the welcome box for guests a little explanation for what your site is.

Secondly, there's a lot of images missing, you might want to sort that out as soon as possible, since no one likes a site with broken images.

I also don't like how you have set your forum to private. You have to consider people who are new to forums aswell as forum veterans.

The forum descriptions need changing (Not all, but some), use lower case letters Instead Of Typing Like This.

I think you have to many forums, and all those pointless forums take up a lot of scrolling time to get to what people actually want to go to your site for: Applications. I hate looking at forums that are empty.


Hell Bomb
10-02-2009, 11:51 AM
The forums need to be organized a lot better. When getting to the forum i get really confused at what it is about and where i would need to go to post something. This is a nightmare for forum noobies.

The forums should not be marked as private and guests should be allowed to enter the various sections and so they can see what your website has to offer and see if they are interested. When having all those forums private you will get a lot of people who will sign up take one look at it see that it is not what they wanted and never come back, and the whole point of the forum is to get people interested and to keep them coming back.

Im not sure if it is just for guests but you should have all the options in the navbar. The search function is vital for guests to help them see what you have exactly.

The images at the bottom saying virus free by Norton and macaffe are nice but they should be put somewhere else. They are throwing off the spot for time. Put them in a spot where people can see them but not get annoyed by them.

Then ambiant theme needs some fixes that could probably al be fixed just by re uploading the xml file it came with. Also the donate and the banner really throw the top off. The ambiant theme makes the forums look a lot nicer because its more compact. Instead of adding the donate button there why don't you just add a donation mod. It's much cleaner and lets other see who has donated.

10-02-2009, 08:25 PM
Thanks for the tips!! appreciated and will be attending to the suggestions.

10-31-2009, 06:57 PM
I have updated Apphunters and would like a second review, Thanks.:cool:

I had to use Internet Explorer to view the issues as i was using Firefox. IE shows errors where Firefox doesn't.