View Full Version : Top & DeTop The Topic

08-04-2000, 04:34 PM
Is there a hack to Top & Detop The topics wich Admin Mod

OR we have to hack one?


08-04-2000, 06:21 PM
nope, gotta hack it if you want it.

annoncements always stay on top, but they cannot be responded to, which is a good thing IMNSHO:)

08-04-2000, 10:17 PM
someone was talking about a "sticky threads" hack, similar to the one made for UBB not too long ago, but I didn't really follow it so I don't know what came of it

08-04-2000, 11:18 PM
will guys i think we have to figure something out! :)

08-05-2000, 04:37 AM
did you by any chance try searching for the old topic?
thats the original thread it was talked about in, but noone ever made it

08-05-2000, 07:29 AM
Sticky hack shouldn't be to hard... Just make an extra flag for a topic, that controls wether it's on top or not.

I love thinking up load :)

08-05-2000, 05:16 PM
I think the way it was done with UBB was that an admin mod could stick a thread at the top, then unstick it when they felt like it, but regular members could temporarily stick their threads, for like 2 days or something like that.

I think it would be best for only mod and admin though

08-06-2000, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by thetakerfan
I think the way it was done with UBB was that an admin mod could stick a thread at the top, then unstick it when they felt like it, but regular members could temporarily stick their threads, for like 2 days or something like that.

I think it would be best for only mod and admin though

yes , you can do it with http://www.wwwthreads.com/ Forums .